Chapter 21

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“Blood Bound”

2012 © All Rights Reserved

Chapter 21

     Leo paced back and forth furiously in his study.  Each added step only increased his frustrations.  Prophecy?  What in the hell kind of prophecy would involve my bride? He thought peevishly to himself.


     It just didn’t make any sense to him.  Nothing was adding up; from the recent shifter attacks and now this prophecy?  For a girl who led a pretty unassuming life; suddenly it was like everyone had her number and he was not the least bit happy about it either. 

     She had been so young and so innocent when he found her all those years ago lying there, bleeding and broken by the road.  If it had not been for him, she would have certainly died that day.  If it had been any other person, he would have walked away but there was something about her that called to him; something so strong that even he, himself, couldn’t deny it. 

     He had never thought to question the incident in the past, how it happened or why.  It all seemed so cut and dry.  She was there, he bound himself to her and from that day forward she belonged to him.  He watched out for her until the time came that he could bring her home and now; she was here, right where she belonged.

     Now that he had reflected back; he realized that he wanted to know what really happened that day.  Who would have run a child over so young and then left her there to die?  Why was it that he had felt so compelled to her?  He wasn’t regretting any of the decisions that he made but now that she mentioned a prophecy, Leo was starting to wonder if there was a whole lot more to what happened on that particular hot summer evening that had managed to change both his life and his sweet Shelby’s life forever. 

     Had someone intentionally tried to kill her in order to prevent the prophecy?  Did someone already know what her role would be in the future?  Was that the reason for the Coyote attack? If so, that meant that someone who knew about the prophecy also knew that Shelby was still alive and now she was in even more danger than he had imagined.

     Not bothering to hide his annoyance with his Servants slowness, Leo stopped in front of the desk where he was tapping on the laptop, loudly slapped his palms down on the front of it and all but snarled out, “Have you found anything yet?”

     Ric stopped punching the keys on the lap top.  He lifted his head and stared up at his Master.  “Not yet sir, but I’m working on it.”  Turning back to the screen in front of him; he went back to his tapping.

     Leo growled low in his throat and unfurled his body so that he stood up to his full height, towering over both the desk and Ric.  An ache began to pound in his temples and no matter how much he massaged at it; it only seemed to worsen.  He was supposed to be spending this time with his new Bride, exploring her body, teaching her the many pleasures that they could share in her new Vampire lifestyle and instead, he was forever down stairs and she was upstairs- separated and alone.

     In his mind though, her safety had to come first and foremost.  With all of the new developments unraveling as they pertained to her, his beast was riding the edge.  He wanted to maim the one who dared to harm his bride.  He wanted to snap their neck, drain them of every last drop of their blood and burn their bodies so that there would be nothing left of them but paltry ashes.

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