Chapter 22

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“Blood Bound”

2012 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Chapter 22

    “You can’t do this!” Isabella cried, “You’re a Risso and Risso’s do not bind themselves with….with that,” she waved in Shelby’s direction, clearly showing her distaste for the young girl.

    “I do whatever I damn well please,” Leo roared.  With a simple flick action of the wrist, he brought the room back to life with candlelight.  Shelby went to move away from him and he stopped her by simply pulling her closer into his side, locking her there.  “I have already made my position clear mother; if you can’t respect that, then there is the door- leave.”

    Isabella scoffed.  “You can’t be serious!  You are choosing this little leper over your own mother?  What has happened to you Leo?  Where is my sweet, loving son that would do anything his mother asked?”

    He rolled his eyes.  His mother’s penchant for the dramatics was a bit too much for him. “I’m still here mother and my final decision has been made,” he said quietly.  “Shelby is my bride and I’ll say this one last time; if you can’t accept that, then you are no longer welcome in my home.”

    “But…but.. The party, the wedding, what am I going to tell everyone.”  Isabella was no longer looking at Shelby or Leo; she was staring off into space, wringing her hands together.  “It was to be the event of the year.”

    “Whoa,” Leo interrupted, loosening his hold on his subdued bride.  “What are you talking about mother?  Party?  Wedding?  You’ve completely lost me.” 

    He watched her as she carouseled around the room.  She continued to mumble about invitations and RSVP‘s, not paying Leo any mind at all.

    He released Shelby and went to his mother, grabbing her by the shoulders and forcing her to stop and face him.  “Mother, talk to me.  What wedding are you talking about?” 

    She fluttered her thick dark lashes and stared up at him under the blackened veil.  “Your’s and Tatiana’s of course.”  She lifted her shoulders in a light shrug.  “Who else would I be talking about?”

    Leo growled a menacing sound and if it hadn’t been for Shelby jumping up and grabbing his arm, he probably would have went for his mother’s throat.  Shelby tugged at his arm and he glanced down at her; a large part of the fight going out of him. 

    Shelby inclined her head towards his mother and gave Leo a look that said to 'calm down'.  Standing there, he closed his eyes and struggled to maintain that calm.  It was then that the idea came to him.  It seemed to be the answer to all of his problems.

    He opened his eyes and reached for Shelby‘s hand, interlocking their fingers together.  “Look, mother- we need to get this straight right now.  There will not be a wedding because I’m already betrothed.  I have told you this repeatedly.  There will be no party, so whatever you had planned; cancel it.  I’m taking my bride on a month long honeymoon.”

    And that was his brilliant idea.  Going away, just Shelby and him; alone.  He could spend the time he so badly needed with his bride to ease her into her new way of life, he could leave Ric to research this prophecy and find out what the hell is going on and find out why shifters were after her; all the while keeping her in a secluded location.  It would solve all of his problems at once, it was perfect.

    “What?!” Isabella hollered, her eyes going red as she flew across the room at him.  “No Leo!  No, you can’t do that.”

    Leo pushed her back with one hand; holding her away from both him and Shelby.  “I can and I will mother.  We leave at night fall.  You may stay here if you want but keep in mind what I said.  Your only welcome here as long as you can accept my bride.”

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