Chapter 2: I wish I noticed

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In this point of my life, I had just got into Jr. High and thought that maybe all I'd be able to date some girls because I had more knowledge of what love is, but not as you should to actually date someone. This was in sixth grade, I had found a girl I haven't seen since 4th grade a girl named Hailey, I didn't know what to do but this feeling of nervousness had returned. A dance had popped up at my school, and at this dance, they sold pizza, candy, and had a DJ that would play all the greatest singles at the time. I had no dating experience except for the girl in elementary school that I never did anything to ask her out we did an even asking, now in this time of life guys were to make the move, to start dating. I did the only thing I knew to do and showered her with gifts if she said she wanted anything I would get. Never to find out that most girl can't be bought with pizza and gifts. That It would be the guy behind the gift that would allow an actual relationship, that is something that would show the girl his personality and allow to make the choice if she wanted to date him. Hopeless me never saw that a girl that I had befriended actually liked me and I was blind and to focused on trying to get the girl that didn't really like me when a girl that I had already known since the beginning of the semester. Later I had found out a major reason Hailey didn't want to date me was that she was already dating someone during seventh grade I hid from Hailey to embarrassed to be seen. Later that year would I see that the girl I had befriended Heather would become very popular and very pretty catching my attention but it was too late. I had been friend zoned but had no clue to as what the friend Zone was. I had kept trying to impress Heather with many things jokes that I haven't used in years and presents from the snack bar during the dances. One day I had gone overboard and wrote a letter to her using a formal format which I would regret for the rest of seventh grade during 8th grade
I thought I would have to hide forever because for the remaining of seventh they made fun of me. As I would turn out no one really cared anymore and I had missed a chance to date a very pretty smart girl once again

The Story of a Guy with Hope Based On True Events In The Authors LifeWhere stories live. Discover now