The Rebel

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~Scar's Point of View~

I walked into the party with Ash wearing the normal short tight leather shirt with a leather studded jacket. The party looked totally wicked! There were people everywhere holding drinks. Its Ash's turn to be the designated driver tonight which also means that she has to make sure I don't end up banging some guy.

When we get inside we find even more people. I look around and spot the drinks making a dash for it. I grab a beer and chug it down before grabbing another and heading to the dance floor. The music is BLARING Scream and Shout by and Britney Spears. After I am dancing for a few minutes I spot my group of friends over in the kitchen and make my way towards them. "Hey Guys!" I say over the loud music. 

"Hey Razor! We were just t hinking of ditching this party and heading else somewhere a little more fun" my friend Michael said.  

"Cool I'll come too! Where were you guys thinking of going?" I responded. I hope its something wicked! 

"Thinking of getting a new pair of shoes. Closest place is Pay Less, and they probably have bad security to make it easier" Michael said. 

"Yea I'm in I could you a new pair of converse." We all started walking over in the direction the store was in. And by we I mean Me, Ash, and other friends you probably won't hear about again. I kinda feel bad bout bringing Ash cause if we get caught she is grounded for 3 weeks and gets yelled at. Even I have been yelled at by her parents. Its not fun cause they are all your stupid... we don't love... we should kick you out. BLAH BLAH BLAH!  

"You don't have to come babe" I whispered to her "I know you don't really want to." 

"No! I'll be fine. I've been looking for places of my own any way incase they kick me out." she whispered back. Now I knew she was trying to keep me safe. She is like a sister, she wants to go be reckless but tries to keep me from getting killed or getting into fights with gang members.  

"Cool! Hey look there it is!" I said. We walked up to it ninja like making it more dramatic than needed. We walk up to the store and I easily pick the lock. All the girls take off their heels before I open the door so we can get in get our shoes then RUN! I quickly open the door and we all go into to find a new pair of shoes. I get to the section that has woman's 8 and grab a pair of lime green converse then hurry out. When ash comes out we both start heading back to wear that party was. We jog part of the way before slowing down and putting our heels back on.  

"Cool! Made it out of that one!" Ash said. Right after she said that I spot flashing lights coming from behind us.  

"Spoke to soon. Don't run that will make us look suspicious. Just act natural." I whisper to her. The cop car comes to a stop and the officer jumps out pointing a gun at us.  

"DON'T MOVE. DROP THE ITEMS AND PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR" He yells real demanding like. SHIT! Caught us! Thankfully I don't have any drugs in my system. I don't need to be busted for more two things in one night. We both do as we're told knowing whatever we do or say will be held against us since we won't be able to get away. The guy takes his time slowly coming over to us as if we were going to do something to him.  

"JUST HURRY UP AND HANDCUFF US DUDE!" I yell trying to speed up the process. He looked at me like I was crazy and started chuckling. Finally a cop has a sense of humor. That usually gets me more in trouble for "back talking" or something like that.  

He reads us off our rights as we are put into the cop car.  

"So... Do anything interesting lately?"I ask trying to make the 13 min drive not so bad. Yea we were on the far end of the city pretty far from the police station. 

"Arrested to girls who actually told me to hurry up and didn't try to protest or anything. That was a first."  

"First time with my group then. Are ya new? I've seen most of the people by now." 

"Kinda. Transferred down from another city week or two ago." 

"Makes since. I haven't been in trouble with the law for a couple weeks." the rest of the car ride is silent.

As we get ushered into the police station I see Rolinda at the front desk.  

"Hey Razor ! Hey Ashley! Whatcha in for this time?" She asks. Yea we are kinda well known in this police station.  

"Broke into Payless" (A/N cheap shoe store for anyone who is curoius) I responded. 

"Ohh that makes sense. All they took were size 8 converse 2 pairs of them. How far did you guys get this time?"She says. Ya she knows us pretty well. You get to know someone between many hours of waiting for a ride. 

"3/4 of the back to our party." Ash says.  

"Ohhh. Apparently it was all set up. You to were the only ones that took stuff. The others called the cops and gave them your descriptions. My guess is Michael. He never seemed to fond of you when you to were in here." She said. He never liked that thought the I was tougher than him and could beat up anybody and everybody. He thought he should be the bad boy/player of the town but I got that role. 

"Makes sense. He never like how I was tougher than him."  

"Looks like your mom is here to pick you two up Razor. Good seeing you girls but not necessarily in this situation." she said. 

"Bye!" Me and Ash chorused.  

"SCARLETT TOMLINSON WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING BREAKING INTO A SHOE STORE!" I hear my mom yell as she comes walking in. Oh boy here we go. "Ash! You parents called me after they heard the news. I'm sorry sweetie but they kicked you out. We are going to get your stuff right now. You can move in with Scarlett and her brother."  

"WHAT THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I AM LIVING WITH HIM!" I start yelling. I'm not going to live with him. It is his fault I turned like this.  

"Thank you so much Mrs. Tomlinson! You don't know how much it means to me to have you looking out for me." Ash says. 

"I've always treated you like my daughter and another thing Scarlett dragged you into isn't going to change that. You've kept her out of a lot of trouble and I know your parents weren't the greatest to you." Sometimes I think my mom loves Ash more than me. I understand kinda. Nobody ever wants the  troublemaker.  

"You girls go in and start packing Ashley's things. I'll be back in an hour so try to hurry." Mum said as we pulled up to Ash's house.  

"I'll go get boxes to get more stuff into." Ash says as she walks toward her garage. I pick out her suitcase and start packing everything. I set out a change of clothes for each of us to change into and then change into mine. Since we already share clothes I just put my clothes that I had been wearing into a box.  

"I got more boxes!" Ash says as she walks in. Carrying a bunch of boxes. 

"Cool I put some clothes on your dresser for you."  

"Cool thanks. I'll go get changed then come help finish packing."

~After Packing~

"Well this is the last of it." Ash says as we take out the last to boxes and put them into my moms car. 

"Well we better head out then it is getting pretty late." I look at my phone to see it is 3 AM. We got everything done pretty fast. We load up into the car and head back home.  

"Louis will be here tomorrow to pick you girls up. I want you to be on your best behavior with him and not get into trouble like you do here.

We got to my house and took her stuff into the living room. Since we are moving to London anyways we didn't want to lug it upstairs then back down in the morning.  

"We need to pack up my stuff before we leave tomorrow." I tell Ash as we drag ourselves upstairs to my room.  

"Ok. Just wake me up when you get up." she says as we lay down.  

"Kk. Night Darcy" 

"Night Scar."


Hey guys!!! New story WHOOOOOOOOOOO. By the way that chapter was 1500 words exactly. Didn't even plan it.

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