Chapter 5 - New Friends

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~Kats P.O.V~~~

"Oh hey guys come on in." I heard many footsteps then in comes 3 hot guys and Harry. They all just kind of stare at me like I'm an intruder when technically this is partially my flat now so they could be the intruders. They just kept staring and Harry kept looking back and fourth at us so I just got up hand went into the kitchen where Ashley was.
"Daaarrcyyyyy!" I sat on her lap looking at her.
"I wanna go get my hair done again and your coming with me."
"Sweet! What color?"
"Im thinking maybe purple! "
"Nice! I think I might get mine done red."
"Sweet! Now LEGOOOO!" I jumped off her and pulled her up dragging her through the kitchen grabbing my wallet and Louis' keys in the living room and running towards the door. "GOING OUT WITH DARCY BE BACK WHENEVER!!!" I shouted dragging Darcy out the door. We got in the car and headed to the mall.

~Boring Shopping trip and Hair stuff later~~~

"I'M BACKKKKK!!!!!!" I shouted as Ash and I walked back into the flat. My hair looked like THIS and hers looked like THIS. I looked at my phone to see it was already 4. We decided to go shopping since we could and so we were out a lot longer... Not that I care cause I honestly don't. I ended up buying all of this. And Darcy bought this. I headed towards my room and when I got to the stairs I heard Louis' voice.
"OH MY GOD" Apparently he isn't used to girls with weird hair.
"Can I help you?" I asked as if I didn't know what the big deal was.
"Your hair. What did you do to it?" He studied mine and Ash's hair.
"Colored it. Do you like it?" I asked sweetly.
"Its ok. It will take some getting used to but please just let me know next time." He says.
"I'll think about" I said in a tone that lets him know I am just messing around. I moved past him and took my bags upstairs and threw them onto my bed. I decided to just put the stuff away later so I decided to go downstairs and see if those dudes were still there. I walked into the living room and didn't see anyone but then I heard a loud laugh coming from the kitchen. 'I guess they are in there' I thought to myself. Sure enough as I walked in I saw 5 guys and Darcy.
"Scarlett?" Harry asked.
"Wooahhh. Your hair is all like purple."
"No shit sherlock." Sheesh. Did he think I thought it was orange or something?
"I just mean. Its just. Well. Different and I wasn't expecting it." He said trying to find the right words.
"Its fine I get that a lot. This is about the 5th time Ive colored my hair" You get used the weird stares to.
"Dang 5?" He seemed shocked when really it shouldn't be that big of a deal.
"Ya. Blonde, Red, Blue, Red, and now Purple." Yea I have dyed my hair red twice. I really liked it so I figured why not do it again.
"Ya. SO are you gonna introduce me to those umm people?" I asked. I have been here for a while now with them staring at me and I still don't know any of them.
"Oh ya. This is Zayn." he said pointing to the one with the black hair and amazing face bones. "This is Niall." he pointed to the one with blonde hair. "this is Liam." he said pointing to the one with brown short hair. "and this is Louis." he said pointing to my brother.
"No shit sherlock." I said rolling my eyes.
"Just making sure you knew that."
"Ya cause I'm just gonna forget my own brother. Oh wait apparently that can happen since he forgot about me." I said glaring at him. He just looked down at the ground knowing I was right while all the others looked at me shocked. "Ok who has a question?"I asked trying to figure out what they were shocked about. They all raised their hands. "You?" I pointed to the one with black hair, Zayn I think.
"Brother?" He asked.
"Ya he never mentioned me?" I asked shocked that they didn't know about me.
"No he never talked about you." he said truthfully.
"Well he never talked to me either so I guess we are even." I started feeling really depressed over this. I can't believe that he didn't even tell them I was his sister. I bet he is just ashamed about me. All of our other family was and always left me out of the family events. The only person who wasn't ashamed about me is Darcy. "Ok Im over this he can answer any questions." I got up and walked out. I heard another chair scooting out and then someone walking around the kitchen but I ignored it and headed up to my room. When I got up there I grabbed my dock and pulled my phone out of my back pocket and played my depressing playlist (ya I know its weird to have a play list with depressing songs but oh well I'm weird so ya) and blared it out of the dock so the boys can probably hear it too. I heard a faint knock at my door (probably cause the music is so loud) then I saw Darcy coming in with coffee, monsters, ice cream, chocolate, whip cream, and Oreos. This bitch knows me so well. I went over to my dock and turned it off while she put the stuff down then locked the door so the boys couldn't come in and disturb us.
"Before I get your mind off this I just wanna say I understand completely where you are coming from on this but he is down there beating himself up over this so he actually does feel guilty." She says walking over to look at the movies I have while I open all of the junk food stuff. I grabbed the whip cream and squirted some in my mouth. "White Chicks?" She asks. Pulling the CD out of its case.
"HELL YA!" She puts it in as I spray whip cream on my coffee.

~~~After watching White Chicks and Mean Girls~~~

"I'm gonna go get some Lemonade." I said getting up off my big bed.
"Ok get me some too." She said looking at her laptop. I walked downstairs and opened the pantry with the alcohol. I grabbed a few Mike's Hard Lemonade (5) and a few of the Cranberry flavored one (5) and headed back upstairs somehow not dropping them. I got up there and tossed them on the bed.
"Really Scar? Mikes Hard? Eh oh well I haven't had one in FOREVERRRRRR" I chugged 2 of the cans of the cranberry ones because they are my favorites. While she chugged a normal one and started sipping on her second one. I cracked open the third one and drank some of it before setting it back down. "Ok Now what do you wanna do?"
"Lets go see if the boys are still down there I think they were all staying the night." she said. I chugged my 4 mikes hard (they are the small cans) and grabbed my 5th.
"Ok lets go." I made my way over to the door and opened it up and walked downstairs. I took a drink of my lemonade and walked into the living room where all of the boys were watching Ridiculousness.
"Scarlett?" I turned around to see .....

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