Chapter 7

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"SCARLETTTT!!!!! ASHLEEE!!!!!!!" Louis screamed. Well someone found the note. I hopped down the stairs with Darcy following behind me.
"Yeah?" I asked innocently as if I had no clue what was going on.
"Let the games begin." He said before walking into the kitchen most likely to get something to drink after the horrid "Oreos" I just gave him.
Ash and I headed back upstairs and went into my room. Incase you were wondering why its always my room well thats because mine is cozier. I don't have it all strict everything goes in an exact spot its just kinda thrown where it will fit and my bed is comfier. And if you weren't wondering then to bad I don't really give a shit either way. I knew he was going to try to get me back soon and go for one of my weak spots, which would either be food or music. Or my beer. OH SHIT HE'S GOING TO HIDE ALL MY SPECIAL LEMONADE!!!!!
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as I ran as fast as I could to the alcohol pantry thing to take as many Mike's Hards as I can. By the time I got to the pantry he moved all but one. I cracked it open and went to drink it but he punctured a hole to it draining out all of the drink and put a note on it. "6 against one. Just give up.-Team 1D p.s. One point us." I crushed the can in my hand as I was reading the note. "LOUIS FUCKING TOMLINSON YOU BETTER GIVE ME BACK ALL OF MY FUCKING LEMONADE BEFORE I PERSONALLY CHOP OFF EVERY ONE OF YOUR TEAMS DICKS , THROW THEM INTO A FIRE THAT WILL BE FUELED BY ALL OFF YOUR CLOTHING, YOU SHEETS, AND TOWELS, AND WHATEVER ELSE YOU MIGHT LIKE AND WATCH THEM BURN AND TURN INTO ASHES WHILE YOU 6 STAYED TIED TO A FUCKING TREE WHERE EVER YOU WILL STAY EVEN IF I HAVE YOU HANGING BY YOUR ARM OR YOU PINKY, AND YOU WONT BE ABLE TO MOVE YOU JUST HAVE TO WATCH THEM DISAPPEAR AS YOU SLOWLY BLEED TO DEATH." I know he is somewhere hiding in this house but I don't know where because I don't really know my way around this house yet. I hold very still listening. Not a single sound coming from anywhere. I run up stairs and hold sill listening again.
I hear a prissy giggle coming from Zayn's room so I decided I better start in there if I want to figure out were the hell all my beers were. I walk in and don't see anybody immediately but then I hear it again coming from his closet. I walked over to his closet and opened the door finding Perrie. "YOU WHORE! WHERE THE HELL IS ALL OF MY BEER AND DON'T YOU DARE SAY YOU DONT KNOW BECAUSE I AM SURE AS HELL THAT YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHERE IT IS? And keep in mind that I am 10 times stronger than you and can brake any of your bones so fucking easily."
"Puh lease I doubt you can brake a pencil." She said. I looked down and there just so happened to be a pen. Even better. I bent over and picked it up and cracked it in half with two fingers.
"Try me bitch." I said taking a step closer to her and glaring down at her.
"Their in Harry's room under his bed." She said quickly.
"That is all I needed to know." and with that being said I turned around and walked out of Zayn's room and down the hall and into Harry's room. I saw him casually laying on his bed not even attempting to hide. He looked up from his phone and smiled at me.
"Hello there." He said reaching his hand under neath the pillow and pulling out a can of the "lemonade" and tossing it to me. He pulled out another one and cracked it open to drink for himself. "The rest is under my bed."
"Thank you sooooo much. I was afraid this was going to be harder than it actually was." I said taking a drink of the alcohol. I was awkwardly standing at the end of the bed when he scooted over then patted the spot next to him. After mentally debating whether or not I should I decided WHAT THE HELL and walked over and sat by him.
"I wanna be on your team." He said after another few awkward moments.
"In the prank war. I. want. To. Be. On. You . Team." He said slowly.
"Because. Well, you seem to know your stuff and I know what Louis or the other boys would do so it would be a benefit to you." I wasn't wanting this to be prank wars I was wanting to annoy the hell out of them.
"Um. Well I wasn't trying to start a prank war. It was going to be a series of annoying shit to try to get him to send me back home."
"Oh. Are we really that bad? You have only been here a couple days. And if you haven't noticed I did help you get you beer back."
"Its not necessarily you. It's just harder with Perrie and Lou here."
"Oh. Well I'm guess either you like Zayn and you are jealous or there is a story behind the Perrie thing."
"Either way you aren't finding out."
"I will eventually get you to open up to me. "
"Trust me Styles, that won't happen. I don't tell anyone anything. I barely even tell Darcy anything. I have secrets and I intend to keep them secrets."
"Well Tomlinson, it is my mission to get you to open up to me even if its the last thing I do."
"Good luck Styles, Good Luck," and with that I got up grabbed a couple beers and walked back to my room. I flipped off Louis as I passed him on my way to my room but just kept walking. There is a lot of planning I need to do if I want to try to get him to send me home. This is just the start of the "Prank War". I tossed the beers on my bed when I walked in and then headed back downstairs to get some food. I need to start going to the gym again so I don't start getting fat again. Hmmmm
"DARRRCCCYYYYY" I screamed hoping she will hear me. "DARRRRR-"
"WHAT?" She screamed from right behind me.
"We should go to the gym." I said bouncing up and down.
"Dude. Its like 8:52 I am not going this late."
"Fine. Tomorrow though can we pleaseeeeeeee go? Maybe at like 8 or 8:30 in the morning." Yea I will get up early if it means going to the gym. Working out is one of my favorite things to do. ESPECIALLY when I am pissed off or just when I have stupid shit going on like this.
"FINE. I will go with you at 8:30 tomorrow morning but no earlier."
"WOOH THANKS BABE I LOVE YOU!!!!" I screamed giving her a huggeee hug and squeezing her to death.
"Scar. Can't. Breathe."
"Sorryy" I said releasing her from my death grip. I walked into the living room and everyone was staring at me. "What?" I snapped.
"Babe?" Harry asked.
"As in boyfriend?" ohhhh I can totally have fun with this.
"Ya. His name is Ryan."
"Do I know this "Ryan"?" Louis asked.
"No. I slept with him like every night while you were gone though." Truth is Ryan is my pillow that I had to leave back home. It was my favorite pillow cause it was soft and squishy. I looked and saw Ashley on the floor in laughing her ass off. This isn't the first time I have used the hole "Ryan" thing. She believed me when I told her the same story and started yelling at me about "Sleeping" with him. That was some seriously funny shit.
"WHAT?! SCARLETT YOU ARE ONLY 18! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" Louis was turning so red and looked like he was going to pop a blood vessel. Its so funny.
"DUDE! CALM YOURSELF!!!! Ryan is my favorite pillow. Geez." I shook my head and walked upstairs. I could hear the boys laughing at Louis in the distance but I didn't really care I'm just tired of all his shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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