Chapter 1

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Natsu's dream

"Natsu come down stairs to eat dinner" Rose yelled out to a 5 yr old Natsu

"Yes mum" a smiling Natsu yelled back running down the stairs

Natsu sat down next to his 4 yr old brother Yuki.

"Mummy when's daddy coming back?" Natsu asked while stuffing his face in his dinner

"I'm not sure honey" Rose said with sad eyes

"Mummy please don't be sad" Natsu said looking sympathetic

"Yeh mummy" Yuki said chucking his spoon in the air

Rose chuckled at the sight of her 2 little boys.


"Mummy what was that?" Natsu asked frightened

"I don't know honey. Please stay here" rose said

Rose walked over to the window.

"Mummy?" Natsu said

End of dream

"Mum" Natsu screamed

"Natsu?" Happy asked rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Go back to sleep happy it was nothing" Natsu said

"Ok" and with that happy fell asleep.

Natsu walked outside. He jumped onto his roof and looked up into the night sky.

"Mummy...daddy...and baby brother. I miss you" Natsu whispered. Tears started to form in his eyes.

Tomorrow was the day his whole family died.

Natsu stayed on the roof all night. He couldn't fall asleep so by morning he was fully tired.

"Natsu" happy called out to his best friend

"Over here" Natsu said

Happy knew what happened to his parents.


8 yr old Natsu was sobbing.

"Mummy...daddy...Yuki...where..areyou?" Natsu said in between the sobs.

"Natsu" happy said hearing Natsu sobbing

"Please don't go" Natsu said crying even harder

"Natsu what's wrong?" Happy asked softly and concerned.

"My whole family pasted away" Natsu said crying harder if that was even possible

"What happened?" Happy asked carefully

Flashback in the flashback

"Mummy?" Natsu asked

"Run" rose said

"Mum" Yuki said scared

Rose ran over to her sons. She carried Yuki in her arms and held Natsu's hand running to the back of the house.

"Honey" Kenta said hugging his wife and sons

"Daddy your back" Natsu yelled

"Yes son but we have to go now!" Kenta said. He carried Natsu in his arm and held Rose's free hand. He kept running straight. Bombs started to go off which almost blew the family up. Kenta fell over and dropped Natsu on the cold grass. Rose also fell. It started to to rain.

"Give me your sons" a man with an eye patch said

"No" Kenta said. He did movements which was called water bending.

He moved his arm towards the eye patch man and the water followed .

"Stop" eye patch man said. He moved his arm in the direction of the water and his arm lit up in flames. It evaporated the water.

"Damn it" Kenta said. He turned towards his sons which laid scared on the ground. Natsu was protecting his little brother in his arms.

"Boys run" Kenta yelled out

A fire started to hurl towards the boys. But rose protected them by creating a wall which was made by rocks. But eye patch man shot another fire ball towards rose.

"Mummy" Natsu and Yuki yelled

"Run"rose said in a weak voice

"Do it now" Kenta yelled

Natsu grabbed Yuki's hand and started to run. He looked back and saw his house and his family blow up.

" " Natsu yelled out

"Run please" Kenta said I a weak voice.

"Daddy" Yuki whispered.

"DADDY" Yuki yelled letting go of Natsu's hand and ran towards his dad and mum.

"Yuki" Natsu yelled out

Suddenly a huge bomb blew up.

"Yuki!" Natsu yelled tears fell down a lot faster.

The smoke cleared and Natsu ran to his family.

"Mum" Natsu said looking at his mother with fresh tears.

"No" Natsu screamed repeatedly. A white light appeared and Natsu fell unconscious.

"Earthling" a voice said

Natsu woke up and a blinding light hurt his eyes.

"Boy wake up" a voice said

"Who are you?" Natsu asked weakly

"I am igneel the fire dragon and who are you earthling?" Igneel said

"I'm Natsu" Natsu said and he fell back to sleep

"Hmmm this boy is unique. I will take this boy in and train him" igneel thought

Flashback end

"Natsu you still have family. The guild is your family" happy said cuddling with Natsu

"Yeh...thank you happy" Natsu whispered still crying

Other flash back end

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