Chapter 9

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"I'm so sorry for your loss" Erza said looking at her hands hiding her emotions. Lucy was also on the verge of tears

"Here" Osamus mother said sadly. She gave the wizards their reward.

"No we can't take this. We didn't com-" Erza was saying

"Please just take this. You risked your life. Please just take it and please leave" the old lady said with tears and Erza took the reward but then placed it back on the table.

"I'm sorry but I can't take" Erza said which almost turned into a yell

"Thank you please go" one of the maiden said. She was worried for her bosses health.

"Yes" Erza said.

They left the house and walked in silence. When they went on the train gray asked Erza

"You saw the tattoo right?"

"Yes" Erza said looking out of the window

"What was it? And how did Natsu know him oh also did he know Osamu. Where did he get all those scars from?" Gray asked

"I honestly don't know. It seems that he had been keeping a lot from secrets from us" Erza said

Happy was sitting on Lucy's lap.

"Do you know anything?" Lucy asked happy

"No. Why would I know anything?" Happy asked keeping his cool. He knew that if he said anything about Natsu's past he would be fed to the fishes. Even though happy is the worst liar ever he can keep a secret especially if that secret was as big as Natsu's.

"What did you guys fight about?" Erza asked

"Oh you still remember that" happy said chuckling

"Spill it cat" Lucy demanded the little cat

"Natsu didn't want to go on the mission and I called him a whimp" happy said half lying.

"That's it" gray said

"Yeh" happy said hoping that they would drop it. Fortunately they did. The rest of the ride was silent. They walked to the guild and was greeted by a drunk Cana,a smiling mirajane and other guild members.

"Hey where's Natsu?" Gildarts asked noticing the salamander was missing.

"Yeh and why do you guys look so gloomy" Cana said looking slightly concerned which was surprising considering how drunk she was.

"We will tell you later. Where's master?" Erza said coldly

"In his office" Mira said looking quite scared

"Thank you" Erza said in her normal tone. She walked to Markov's office with the rest of the team following.

In the middle of the forest.

"How do you know he wanted to feel some relief by making an empty grave" ash asked Natsu who was holding his arm in pain

"I did the same thing for my parents" Natsu said emotionless

"What happened to your parents?" Ash asked

"Look. We aren't here to talk about me we are here to help you. Ok?" Natsu said getting annoyed

"Ok. I'm sorry" ash apologised

They kept on walking and Natsu reached his destination. Their were 2 rocks.

"Sit on that rock" Natsu commanded pointing towards one of the rocks. Ash did as Natsu said he sat down.

"Whats the point of this?" Ash asked

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