Chapter 3

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Erza in a small town

"So I'm meant to destroy 25 strong wizards along with their guild...doesn't sound so bad" Ezra said while walking into a small town.

"Maybe I should find a place to stay so I can plan out my task unlike Natsu I don't want to go storming in the place" Ezra thought to her self

Natsu in a desert

"Hmmmm...happy do you know where we are?" Natsu asked the blue exceed

"Aye" happy exclaimed

"Ok I'm trusting you" Natsu said

"Wait a minute it said we should be right here" happy said holding up the map

"Great you got us lo-" Natsu said before a large white beam glowed around them. They fell unconscious .

Fairy tail guild hall

"Gosh it's been 3 days and I already miss them" Mira said

"Same here but I'm kind of worried about Natsu" Lucy said lying her head on the bar table

"A real man doesn't worry. A real man has faith in their comrades" elf man said

"She's not a man" Mira said to her brother

"How do I even look like a man!" Lucy yelled


"Natsu!" Happy yelled.

"How long have I been unconscious for?" Happy asked him self rubbing his head.

"Hey look I found this blue cat" a voice said

"Wow let's poke it with a stick Aikio" another boy exclaimed

"No don't be slack big brother" Aikio said

"Hey whose trying to poke me with a stick?" Happy yelled

"Oh and it talks" big brother said

"Who are you?" Happy asked

"Kaito and my little brother is Aikio. Who are you talking cat? Are you a robot and why are you blue?" Kaito asked

"I'm happy and I'm a real cat. DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME BEING BLUE" happy yelled

"No need to shout. Why are you out here?" Aikio asked

"I don't know. We were going on a mission and all of a sudden my owner and I fell unconscious" happy said slowly

"What was your mission and what guild are you in?" Kaito asked


"Follow us" Aikio said

"Why would I follow a bunch of strangers?" Happy questioned

"Because if you don't want to die you will follow us" Aikio replied. Happy hesitated but followed.

They traveled for only about 5-10 minutes and happy saw gates which were closed. Kaito knocked on the gate.

"Who is it?" A mysterious low voice asked

"It's Kaito and Aikio" the brothers replied

"Ahhhh ok" the gates opened it revealed a tiny village.

"Did you bring us back food?" The mysterious voice was revealed to be a old man

"Sorry gramps I didn't but I found a talking cat" Kaito said

"The desert is getting into your head boy. You should rest" the old guy said


"What?!" The gramps yelled

"Hey a new voice" one of the villagers said

"It's a cat" another villager said disappointed. The the whole villagers sarted to make comments on the blue exceed

"Enough" a old but wise voice came from the hut

"Mam you should be resting" one of the nurse of the village warned

"Little cat, Aikio and Kaito come into my hut" the old lady said

"Yes lady Kia" Aikio and Kaito said while bowing. Happy looked around the whole village who bowed to Kia so happy did the same thing. They all went into the but.

"So Aikio and Kaito tells me that your name is happy" Kia said

"Aye" happy said smiling

"Why do you look so sad?" Kia asked concerned

"I'm smiling aren't i?" happy asked

"But you are concerned about someone" Kia said as a statement rather then a question

"My owner Natsu and I were on a mission" happy said looking at his tiny paws

"What was your mission" Kia asked

"We were meant to rescue a bunch of prisoners around here" happy said taking out a map. The brothers and the old lady gasped.

"What wrong?" Happy asked. He was worried because their faces looked weird

"Did you say your partner disappeared?" Kia asked concerned and scared

"Yes why? What happened to my partner?" Happy yelled out with tears in his eyes

"I'm sorry but your partner is dead" Kia said looking at her hands with tears

"What do you mean?" Happy shouted tears falling down his face

"I had a son who went on the same mission as you did. He went to the exact same place as you did and he simply disappeared" Kia cried. The boys comforted Kia.

"I guess your friend was a chosen one" Aikio said hugging the old lady

"What the hell...does that mean?" Happy yelled through his sobs.

"The chosen one disappears and they are simply erased from this world" Aikio said

"Natsu will come back...he never fails the mission" happy cried harder.

The boys looked at each and nodded.

"Kia is it ok if happy stays with us until his partner comes back" Kaito asked

The old lady smiled "of corse"

With Ezra: 3 month later

"Stupid wizards" erza said requiping into her black wing armour

They all blasted erza with their own magic but erza flew up in to the sky and then black down like a meteoroid. With one slash erza defeated all the wizards.

"Hehehe" the master of the wizard guild laughed

"I'm here to defeat you" erza said straight forward

"I would love to see that" the master said getting of his throne

The master shot little black orbs directly to erza but erza dodged most of it.

Some orbs hit her.

"Damn it" erza said after getting hit by several orbs. She requiped into her adamantine armour which had the highest defence. She charged at the master and then requiped into her normal armour while holding her sword she stabbed the master.

"I told you to kill him yet you still disobey my orders" a voice said whipping a pink haired boy's back constantly.

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