Chapter 18

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"Natsu it's us your friend" Lucy said

"I don't have friends. I gave comrades" Natsu said have emotionless

"Why the hell did you do to him?" Gray asked angrily

"We didn't do anything. I suppose you know about the demon. The demon inside of him was eating away his memory. Natsu is the demon now" Toru explained

"Why does he remember you?" Gray asked

"We to were taken over by our demons. All demons are brothers. We remember everything from our past but Natsu on the other hand fought the demon in the process he lost his memory. We didn't fight the demon. He remember his time in the tower but every thing is a blank" Toru explained

"He doesn't remember us" happy cried falling to the ground crying

"Don't cry" Natsu said kneeling down to happy. Happy looked at Natsu. Natsu smiled at happy which made happy smile.

"We should get going" Kyioshi said. Natsu stood up and turned his back. He put his hood back on.

"Wait" Lucy said quietly. Natsu stopped

"Please...please remember me" Lucy begged " remember us"

Natsu walked away.

"Natsu" happy yelled

"Let's go" Erza said harshly. They could tell she was hiding her emotion

They walked to the train station in silence. The trip was silent. They walked through the guild


"Natsu why did you revel yourself?" Roy asked

"I don't know. I felt like I could trust's stupid" Natsu muttered.

"So the mission?" Roy asked

"She wasn't there" Natsu said quietly

"Sorry mate...I really am sorry" Roy said quietly

"Yeh I know" Natsu said looking at his hands. Natsu stood up and walked out side. He looked at the sun. Natsu looked the same except he wore a hoodie on and his eyes. His eyes were filled will pain and sorrow. Sometimes he felt like he lost a part of his heart. When he saw that little blue cat, Erza, Lucy and Gray his heart felt completed. A tear fell down his face. His mission was to kill a demon. Sure it was the usual. But this mission was different. He was trying to find someone. Aki...where is she?


"You stupid scientist" the boss yelled

"I'm sorry master" the scientist said terrified

"Get the" the boss yelled

"Yes master" the scientist went to get a girl

The scientist returned with the girl

"Aki" the boss said quietly

"Yes" Aki said quietly and afraid

"I have a little task for you" the boss said smiling.


"Rei it's your turn" Toru yelled

"No it's yours. I did it yesterday" Rei yelled back

"Calm down I will do it. You sooks" Kyioshi said harshly. He went to wash the dishes

"Natsu can I talk to you" Ayame said

"Sure whats up" Natsu said walking over to Ayame

"I got a special mission for you but you don't have to do this" Ayame said. Ayame told Natsu what the mission was.

Natsu nodded and put his vest on. He had a mini sword which can extend, it was hidden in a pocket behind his back and his main sword back at the cave. He could requip any time he wanted to.

He walked out of the cave.

Fairy tail

"Put on a shirt real men don't strip" elfman yelled

"A real man knows when to mind his own business" Gray yelled back. He attacked elfman. Gray pumped into cans which made her beer spill in the ground. Cana started to throw her cards everywhere. One card hit Erzas cake. Everyone froze.

"What did I say about fighting in the guild" Erza growled

Just when Erza equipped someone walked in to the guild.

"Hello my name is Aki" Aki said smiling. She was wearing a white dress. She looked beautiful. "I would like to join the guild"

"Sure what power do you use" Mira asked walking up to the beautiful girl

"Elements. I can control elements" Aki said

"Do you know someone named Natsu?" Happy asked flying over to the girl

"Yes" she said quietly. Mira could tell the Aki was uncomfortable so she introduced her to the guild and they started talking about interest and stuff.

A couple of hours later the doors opened revealing a man in a vest.

"Natsu" the whole guild whispered.

Natsu walked into the guild.

He looked around the guild. He felt safe here. Then his eyes shifted towards Aki. His face was emotionless.

"Natsu" Wendy said on the verge of tears. Natsu looked at Wendy.

"Where the hell have you been?" Gildarts yelled

Natsu looked at him.

"Do u know you?" Natsu asked

"Is this a joke to you?" Gildarts asked getting angry.

"I'm sorry" Natsu asked confused

"He lost his memory" Gray said

"Why are you here? You have no right to be here" Erza said. The guild looked at her in shock

"I'm on a mission" Natsu said emotionless

"State your mission" Erza said

"Now what's going on here" Makarov said coming from his office. Makarov looked around his guild and spotted a new guild member and a old guild member. His face turned serious. He jumped down from the platform.

"Hi I'm Makarov the guild member" Makarov introduced himself to Aki.

"I'm Aki I'm pleased to meet you" Aki said shaking makarovs hand. Makarov smiled and walked to natsu.

"Long time my boy. How have you been?" Makarov asked Natsu

"Master he lost his memory" Erza state

"I see. Why are you here Natsu?" Makarov asked

"I'm on a mission" Natsu said

"What's the mission may I ask" Makarov said

"I'm sorry but I cannot say. But my mission requires me to be in this guild" Natsu said

"Yes I see. But you cannot go on any mission unless you ask me or any s class wizards. Another thing you cannot be a proper member since I presume you are going to leave soon" Makarov said

"You can do that" Gray shouted

"Shut up" Erza said to Gray

"Thank you" Natsu said

"Now children don't stare" Makarov said and the guild went back to what they were originally doing. They were all gossiping about Natsu. Natsu dat in a corner where no one was sitting. Aki got up from her seat and walked over to Natsu.

"Natsu" Aki said tears in her eyes. Natsu looked at her. His eyes showed pain and betrayal.

"Aki" Natsu said angrily

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