Chapter 13

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"How did Natsu know him?" Erza asked the group which included Lucy,Gray,Mira, happy, Carla, Wendy and Cana who was sitting on the bar drinking beer.

"What do you mean?" Gray asked

"I mean. He knew ash but how? also he said to the man in the hood that he was meant to be dead" Erza explained

"Happy. I know you've been keeping secrets from this guild" Carla said. Everyone turned their attention towards happy.

"Happy what do you know" Erza asked harshly

"I promised Natsu" happy said quietly

"People took him happy. You should tell us any information about Natsu" Lucy said holding the little cat

"I can't. I promised Natsu on my life" happy said in a little voice

"His life is probably in danger. A little secret is threatening his life" Gray said

"It's not a little secret. I doubt they will hurt natsu" happy said

"Why?" Mira asked

"Natsu knows them. They won't harm him" happy said

"How does Natsu know them?" Wendy asked

"I can't say" happy said looking at his hands

"Happy if you really cared about Natsu you would tell us" Lucy said

"I care about him but...I'm worried about him" happy said with tears in his eyes

"Happy please we want to help you and Natsu" Lucy begged

"I will tell you...but please don't tell Natsu I told you" happy begged the group.

"We should tell the whole guild" Erza said

"Aye" happy said. The whole guild gathered including the master.

Happy told them they got separated. Happy said that he stayed in a small village while waiting for Natsu's return mean while Natsu got caught in a military. "Natsu was called the chosen one. The chosen one from this world can bend. Bending is being able to control 1 of the 4 elements. Fire,Air,water and earth. People from a different world can control 2 different elements. When Natsu was in the military he was tortured and he was forced to-" happy broke into tears

"Happy" Lucy whispered.

"He was forced to kill people" happy whispered but everyone heard. Everyone was shocked but this information pissed makarov off.

"How dare that man" Makarov yelled

"Is it that it" Erza asked

"No" happy said "You would share a cell with 3 people. These 3 people who shared the cell was Kyioshi Haruka and a girl named Aki. Osamu the man weworked for was was Aki's father. Natsu and Aki loved each other but Aki got killed. Aeron killed Kyioshi" happy explained. Some people in the guild looked pissed, others were on the verge of tears and levy, Lucy, wendy and elfman were crying"

"Kyioshi...wasn't he that guy who asked for Natsu" Gray asked

"Yeh" happy said " I don't know how he died or came back alive. For the past few months Natsu had been battling a instinct" happy said

"How do you battle an instinct?" Lucy asked

"Yeh and what was that instinct?" Guildarts asked

"Since Natsu refused to kill someone despite the fact if he didn't kill he would get tortured if he didn't kill someone. Aeron gave Natsu a pill which gives you a killing instinct. After a year or so it just becomes natural. Natsu try's to avoid the temptation of killing anyone" happy said

"Is that why he does less jobs with us?" Erza asked

"Yes. But their is also something else which is really scary" happy said shaking from fear.

"How can anything get more scarier than this?"Cana asked

"A demon is inside Natsu" happy blurted out.

"What?" The whole guild yelled

"Some other people has demons in them. The demons give an extra boost in your power. Sometimes the demon will take over your body and make you do rational things like Ash. Natsu told me Ash was a good guy" happy said shaking in fear

"What triggers the demon?" Erza asked

" Natsu said anger triggers it but it depends on you and your demon. Some people get along with their demon so they share the same body, mind and power instead of fighting for the body" happy explained

"How did Natsu escape?" Makarov asked

"I don't know. I thought it was best not to push him to talk" happy said

"That poor boy" Makarov said. Suddenly the guild doors flew open.

"I'm back" Natsu yelled. Everyone was dead silent

"Hey what happened?" Natsu asked walked towards happy who was sitting on the chair. People moved out of Natsu's way so he could see happy. He looked at everyone in the guild. "Why are you guys crying?" Natsu asked. He then looked at lucy who had sympathy in her eyes. Natsu instantly understood what was going on. Natsu's facial expression changed from confused to anger.

"You told them" Natsu asked but it was more like a statement

"Natsu I'm so-" happy started to say

"Don't. I trusted you." Natsu yelled

"You can't blame him" gray butted in

"Yeh he was worried about you" lucy said

"Yeh whatever" Natsu said he walked out if the guild.

"Natsu get back here" makarov yelled. Lucy was about to ran to him but then Erza held her shoulders.

"He needs time alone" Erza said

Natsu went to the cave and asked Ayame to come with. He then went to his and happy's house. Natsu packed all his things and asked Ayame to teleport it back.

"are you sure?" Ayame asked Natsu

"Yeh. I should burn this house down" Natsu said

"Look I can teleport it some where else" Ayame suggested

"Yeh ok. I would probably regret it later" Natsu said. Ayame teleported the house to Natsu's parents grave. The grave was far away only Natsu knew where it is but now Ayame knows where. Natsu collected some logs and put it where the house used to be. Then he burnt it.

"It looks like I burnt down my house right?" Natsu asked Ayame

"Yeh" Ayame replied and teleported Natsu and his stuff to the cave.

At the guild hall.

"Guys I'm going to go back to my house" happy said

"Do you want us to come with?" Erza asked. Happy nodded. Gray Erza and lucy followed happy back to their house.

"What happened?" Lucy asked shocked at the burnt wood. Happy started to cry.

"It looks like Natsu burnt down the house and every thing in it" erza stated

"That flame brain. What was he thinking?" Gray yelled

"It wasn't his fault. I betrayed him" happy cried

"You can stay with me ok?" Lucy said trying to cheer up the sobbing cat. Happy nodded his head.

"Where is that hot head?" Gray asked

"I don't know. But it looks like he found a place to stay. Maybe with those people who we saw earlier" Erza said.

"Maybe we should all stay at Lucy's and discuss about Natsu. Also their is a possibility that he would come to Lucy's house" gray said

"Yes I agree" Erza said nodding her head

"Ehhhh. I didn't agree to this" lucy said

"Why? Do you have a problem?" Erza asked in a threatening tone

"No. No. It's just fine" lucy replied nervously.

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