Chapter Fifteen

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Draco looked over me with skeptical eyes.

"You look different than I expected. Although the last photograph my mother has of you was from when you were eight," he mused. I smirked and shrugged it off.

"A lot of time for my features to change I suppose," I said. He cracked a smile and looked down at Claire, who was looking longingly at students her age.

"Claire, go make friends," I said with an eye roll.

"Thank you, Leah!" she smiled before scurrying off. Her eyes no longer held warmth though; they held sadness and a thirst for revenge. I dare say I'm proud of her.

"I have to go get something, but I'll meet back up with you later?" Draco half said half asked.

"Sure, see ya around," I said, not really caring. I slowly walked through the hall or whatever and found an empty compartment I could sit in. I opened the door and put my stuff on the top rack. After I'd been sitting for a few moments, I pulled out my wand and started tapping it against my leg, making green light spark out of it. Eventually, I heard a tap from the left where the door was. I looked up and saw three smiling kids about my age. One had messy brown hair with green eyes and round glasses. The girl had fluffy brown hair and brown eyes, while the other boy had red hair, a freckled face and blue eyes. Potter, Granger, and Weasley. I put on my best smile and put my wand away.

"Can we sit here? Everywhere else is full," the mudblood asked. I cringed inside but smile warmly on the outside.

"Sure," I allowed. 

"I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?" she asked.

"Hi, I'm Leah. Leah Loveland," I said looking at them.

"I'm Ron Weasley, and this is Harry... Harry Potter," Weasley said for Potter since he seemed unable to speak.

"Huh, Harry potter in person. Well, it's a pleasure to meet you guys," I said being as polite as possible.

"It's a real pleasure to meet you, too," Potter said, finally composing himself.

"I've never seen you before, are you new?" Weasley asked. I smiled sadly and nodded.

"Yeah, I've been homeschooled my whole life. My parents were too nervous to send us away to school," I frowned.

"What changed their minds?" Granger asked.

"My begging. It really helped when I said I wanted my little sister, Claire, to have normal schooling. They can't say no to her," I smiled.

"Wow, you must be a great sister," Potter said. I dropped my head pretending to blush.

"Thanks, I'd like to think so," I smiled. He shifted closer to me and nudged me lightly.

"Hey, at least you have a sibling," he pointed out.

"True," I agreed. Weasley smiled.

"Harry, you can take one of mine," he joked. Potter laughed and shoved the Weasel, but didn't make an effort to give me my personal space.

"So, Leah, what house do you want to be in?" Granger asked. I hesitated and shrugged.

"Anything but Slytherin," I lied. 

"So, who do I look out for, and who's alright?" I asked, knowing what they'd say.

"Everybody who isn't in Slytherin is fine, but be extra careful about Malfoy," Granger warned with an added nod from Potter.

"You mean Draco?" I asked, trying to sound like I was innocent and clueless.

"Bloody 'ell, he's gotten to her already," Weasley said. As if on cue, Draco walked up to our compartment and opened the door.

"Leah, what are you doing in here?" he asked, scrunching his nose. 

"Making some new friends," I said, pulling some of Claire's wide innocent eye tricks.

"Well, these aren't the friends you want to make," he said, shaking his head. His eyes met mine and he frowned.

"I could have sworn your eyes were a different color in my mother's photographs," he said, almost seemingly to himself.

"Do you two know each other?" Potter furrowed his brows.

"Yeah our parents are friends," I rolled my eyes. Potter gave me a sympathetic look as Granger told off Draco. I refused to look in his direction, doing my best to ignore him. He finally walked away in confusion and I slouched.

"Sorry guys," I apologized. They waved away my apology and sat talking about that stupid Quidditch World Cup. As I was zoning out I heard an excited voice ring through my ears.

"Sissy, guess what?" Claire squealed. I shot her a warning look and her smile faltered.

"Sorry, sorry... Leah guess what!" she squealed again.

"What is it, Claire?" I asked. She looked at Potter and said,

"Its Harry potter!" She was in awe. I nodded.

"Yes, it is."

"And you're friends?" she gasped. I shrugged and Claire beamed while sitting right next to me, practically on my lap. I groaned as her elbow knocked into my ribs.

"Thanks for convincing...them," she said, obviously not over it. I felt a pang of love for Claire but shoved it down.

"You're welcome," I said. She tried to join the conversation every once in a while, but eventually, she fell asleep with her head on my shoulder.

The four of us talked about nothing of importance and I tried not saying anything too suspicious. Basically, it was the train ride from hell. I changed into my robes and waited for the train to stop before waking Claire. She jumped up and ran out the doors before you could say 'Hogwarts'. I sauntered off and let the 'Golden Trio' go ahead of me.

"I thought we were at least going to be friendly," I heard Draco say from my right. I looked over and saw him raising an eyebrow at me.

"We definitely are, but I've got a plan up my sleeve that I have to work out. I hate them, you have my word, love," I said. Draco nodded and continued to walk alongside me.

"How are your parents?" he asked, walking slower so we could talk before I had to take the boat over to the castle.

"Dead, but I'll explain later," I said, waving off his shocked expression.

"My father said you came over with Snape and warned him of...Voldemort's return."

"Well, that was more of Severus's doing, and I was just with him, but again I'll explain later." I sighed. Some oaf was calling all technical first years over so I had to go.

"I hope I'll see you in the common room later!" I smiled as I walked off. I boarded a boat with Claire and we were taken over to the school to be sorted. 

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