Chapter Eleven

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Okay! This is the start of the original Leah Riddle story. The rewrite ended last chapter! I wrote this when I was about 12 or 13 so don't judge it too harshly lmfao.


I looked at all my school supplies and smiled. I'm finally going to school, and I cannot wait, surprisingly. My parent's have been acting weird, but that's alright, I really could care less. I've been reading up on my material for this year and I know some things already. The few things I don't know, I've already tried teaching myself, so I'm well prepared. I know there's the whole trace thing because I'm not seventeen yet, but since I was homeschooled, I was always allowed to do magic where ever I went, and the ministry isn't bothering to put the trace back on. I've got it made.

"Leah, darling?" my mother asked, knocking on my door.

"What?" I asked, thoughtfully modeling a black mini dress with ripped tights and boots.

"Your mother and I have something for you," my father said. I sighed and unlocked the door. They stepped in timidly with something hiding behind their backs. I suspiciously looked behind them, but they blocked me. I scowled at them and magically straightened my hair.

"Well?" I asked impatiently. I really hate surprises. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a truly horrible person, but my parents are traitors.

"Leah, we know that your birthday was a week ago..." my mother started. I paused. I had completely forgotten.

"But, we didn't have time to get you a present," my father said. I rolled my eyes and turned to look at them. They looked hopeful and excited now.

"When we went to Diagon Alley the other day, we were able to buy you a gift, finally." my mother said with a bright smile. I heard something screech nearby and jumped.

"What was that?" I asked with annoyance swirling through my words. My parents smiled and stepped apart revealing a beautiful black and tan owl with huge, bright orange eyes. It hooted softly and stuck its beak through the cage bars.

"She's beautiful...what kind of owl is it?" I asked, for once being awed and breathless.

"She's an Eagle Owl, very fierce, just like you," my mother said with a sad smile. I walked over to the cage and opened it, letting her climb out onto my arm. She perched there for a while, staring at me and playfully nipping me when I stopped petting her. I knew what I was naming her.

"Alisana, her name is Alisana," I decided.

"It's beautiful," my father said nervously. I guess we're back to being nervous again.

"No, it's majestic," my mother corrected, looking at me with a smile. I'm fluent in a few different languages, which my mother taught me. Majestic in Hindi happened to be Alisana. My dad always gets annoyed when we have conversations in a different language. Alisana hooted at her name and I smiled.

"Write to us?" my mother asked.

"Maybe," I shrugged. Alisana flew on top of my bed and nested down. I assumed she fell asleep. Before I knew what was happening, my mother pulled me over and hugged me tightly. I mean she really hugged me. This made me freeze; we never hugged unless someone was dying. I mean literally. I never hugged my Uncle Preston until he was on his death bed. That's just how it went, we aren't very... affectionate. Especially me. I hesitantly patted her back and looked at my father in confusion. After she finally let me go, my father moved in and hugged me also. I'm so confused!

"We love you, Leah," my mother said softly, stroking my hair away from my face.

"Who imperiused you?" I asked in annoyance.

"We're just... nervous about you leaving. We're a family, and we love you," my father said. My mom ran out almost in tears, and my father sat on my bed.

  "You've always been my little girl, and you are more beautiful than I could have hoped. Your mother and I will always love you. Stay close to Draco Malfoy; he'll help you out because I know you aren't quite used to people yet. Behave, please," he said sadly before softly closing the door. I was frozen in place for a few moments before I felt Alisana nuzzle herself into my neck. I stroked her while staring at the door. That was the weirdest thing they've ever done, and that's saying something. The house was completely silent for once. There was no music, talking, or laughing. I shook my head and finished packing before adding a silver headband to my perfect outfit. Tomorrow was the day I had to make my way to platform 9 ¾. I needed to perfect outfit to automatically have the guys under my control, the girls I could handle on my own. I was just gathering the last few things I needed, such as my extra quills and parchment, when I heard an explosion downstairs, followed by a scream. Claire.

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