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. . . Two days later . .

"Urgent message from Doctor McCoy." Nyota said.

"On screen." Young Spock said.

"Hello,Mr Spock." McCoy said.

"Hello, McCoy," Young Spock said. "May I inquire what the urgent matter is?"

McCoy nodded.

"He's back." McCoy said.

Young Spock raised up an eyebrow,

"Who is back?" Young Spock asked.

"He's currently in a coma but I am assured he'll be quite fine in a week or two," McCoy said. "Blood transfusion has taken its toll."


. . . One hour, thirty minutes, and two seconds later in Spock time. . .

Nyota visited Jim's small but cramped and very cozy quarters.


"Hello," Jim said. "Who are you?"

"I haven't been introduced to you, yet," Nyota said. "I am Lieutenant Nyota Uhura."

Jim gasped.

"That Nyota?" Jim asked.

Nyota sat down into a chair.

"That Nyota." Nyota said.

Jim's wide eyes returned to their usual size.

"Wow . . . That is just stunning." Jim said.

Nyota raised a eyebrow.

"What is?" Nyota said.

"You and Spock together," Jim said. "I mean, I must be dreaming this or losing my mind thinking you two got a thing." Nyota lowered her eyebrow. "In my universe, you were just friends and he was a mentor. . . Tell me that it isn't obvious you two have a flare together and that I am over thinking this."

Nyota stared at Jim.

"You are not." Nyota said.

"Ah, damn it," Jim said. "I mean. . . You already had a boyfriend off the Enterprise in my universe who was first officer on the USS Talscia."

"How can you tell?" Nyota asked

"The way he looks at you," Jim said. "The way he talks to you." If Nyota's skin was Caucasian then Jim would have noticed she was blushing. "The way you Vulcan kiss." Jim held out his two fingers merged together. "You think I don't notice." He lowered his hand. "But I do." He put his hands together." If this Spock is happy with you then I am happy for how this . . . absurd and crazy alternate universe . . . is turning out for the crew of the Enterprise."

"What about your Spock?" Nyota asked.

"My Spock?" Jim asked, with surprise on his face and in his voice as he put one hand on his chest.

Nyota nodded.

"Yes." Nyota said.

Jim lowered his hand down to the couch beside a Padd.

"He had a couple wives . . . One of which divorced him for another Vulcan named Stonn. Frankly my death snapped him out of his Pon farr." Jim realized what he had said. "I really shouldn't have told you that."

"His wife died on Vulcan." Nyota said, in a low voice.

Jim sighed, relieved.

"Do me a favor." Jim said

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