Let It Begin Again

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The time was almost here.
As it drew closer, I was filled with fear.
There were too many secrets that could have been revealed.
Too many people choosing to open what was sealed.

But finally, it's happening.
I'm suddenly scared of everything.
The worst possible outcomes rush to my head.
These thoughts move faster than lovers to their bed.

My heartbeat is quickening,
as well as tensing.
I can feel my lungs becoming desperate.
My hands twitch in motions that can only be described as hectic.

That's when I see it.
Words that calm me as they hit.
And then for a moment, silence.
Then the serenade of trumpets that are timeless.

The opening crawl begins and my heart is racing.
No longer panicked, only embracing.
The tension dissolves as excitement fills every cell.
I'm so excited I want to yell.

As the trumpets usher in a new chapter in the saga.
I am more than more than ready for this grand opera.

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