You Are My World

19 7 1

I've tasted the beginnings of death.
It didn't taste too different from life,
Except for the burning aftertaste of agony.

As I lay there,
Willing myself to take in another breath,
I realized I needed to stay alive.

Despite the cold barrel of a figurative gun in my hand,
I could not pull the trigger.
I could not let my heart stop beating.

I willed myself to survive.
The odds were against me,
But I continued to struggle.

I thought about me and you.
I thought about our good times;
I thought about our laughter.

I thought about everything I still have left to tell you,
How I smile when someone mentions your name;
How certain colors in the sunset remind me of the warmth of your embrace.

I thought about how when I cry you make me laugh.
I thought about the long nights I lay curled up against you,
Listening to the steady rhythm of your heart.

I've tasted the beginnings of death.
I missed the way life felt to my senses.
I survived by remembering what life truly is.

What it is,
Is you

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