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The next 3 days were a blur to Daniel. He didn't close his eyes once during the 72 hours that followed Emily's shooting. 

When they first arrived to the hospital, Emily was whisked away by what seemed like hundreds of doctors and nurses and while that was happening, Daniel was being questioned by detectives and police officers about what happened to Emily and he was still trying to figure out what happened himself. That night was long, as Emily's life hung in the balance. She was stabilized at 4:30 the next morning. Daniel wasn't allowed to see her, and it tore him to shreds. 

The next day an emergency surgery needed to take place on Emily because her vital organs were failing. The doctors didn't say much, but tried to remain hopeful, for Daniel's sake. The surgery lasted a full day and once again, Emily was stabilized. They kept her heavily sedated in order to help her heal.

The third day was an easier day on everyone. Emily was making progress and only tests were done to her to confirm her progress. On this day, Daniel was finally allowed in to visit, but only for a short time. 

He was hesitant when he walked into her hospital room. He saw a very pale, almost ghostly looking version of the Emily he knew. He pulled up a chair and watched her chest rise and fall with every breath she took. As he watched her, memories of all the good times they had together rushed over him.

 He thought about the time he tried to fix a leaky faucet in the kitchen but accidentally broke the pipe and water spewed everywhere. He thought Emily was going to be mad but instead, she grabbed her rain boots from the closet  and began splashing in all the water. 

He thought about the time when Charlie ran away. Emily was so sacred that she would never come back and stayed up all night running around the neighbourhood wearing nothing but a tank top, pajama shorts and running shoes. They finally found Charlie 2 blocks over, splashing around in fountain on someones front lawn. He tried to grab Charlie but he fell in and when Emily tried to help him out, she fell in too. 

He suddenly flashed back to reality. He scooted his chair closer to Emily's bed and grabbed her hand and began to cry. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you Em" He whispered to her. "I've been a really crumby husband"

Just then, a nurse came in and asked Daniel to leave. It absolutely devastated him, leaving his wife like this but it was for her own good. Besides, he had to get home to care for Charlie. 

Before leaving, he looked down on Emily face and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I love you, infinity times infinity." he said. 

He took one last look and he swore he saw a faint smile on her face. 

This is a short one, but I still think it has a lot in it. Enjoy!

peace and blessings


I Will Always Love You - A Demily StoryWhere stories live. Discover now