Chapter 4

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The streets of Australia are really crowded and busy.

As Calum dragged me to his flat, so many people crowded and bumped into us. It felt like a maze trying to pass up all of these people. But something about these people seemed different. These people are nice?

California is nothing like this. Everyone there is rude. Well not everyone but the majority is. I feel safe here. I actually feel safe. Except for the fact that a total stranger is dragging me to his flat but he's a cute stranger so it's all good.

I almost lost Calum in the crowd twice since I'm so short and he's so tall. But we still managed to stay together. It felt like years before we finally reached his flat. Oh and did I forget to mention that it was also raining?

Once we were outside his flat under the roof, no longer in the presence of the rain, Calum took out his keys and proceeded to open the front door.

As the door opened and I entered, my jaw dropped. The flat. It wasn't big or small. It was just the perfect size. Way better than my shit apartment back home. This flat was stunning!!!

"Have a seat on the couch Blanca. I'm going to see if the boys are here to welcome them to you." He says as he goes upstairs. I was almost too scared of sitting down, fearing I'd mess up the couch but I sat anyways.

I pulled out my phone but then I forgot I had turned it off earlier in my encounter with Calum so I turned it back on. As it turned on I was so relieved! "Thank god Calum has wifi!!" I said.

Even though I was a nobody, I still had social media that I needed to check daily.

Scrolling through Instagram I came across Niall Horan's new post! I adore him so obviously I liked the photo. That's when I heard footsteps. Thinking it was Calum coming back I ignored it and continued looking at my feed. Then I hear a voice that isn't Calum's but slightly deeper.

"Woah! What is a smokin hot babe like you doing here?" The voice said.
I look up and this guy with bright red hair which is slightly fading says as he starts eyeing me up and down.

"Um hi" I say shyly as I waved at him. He walks towards me and sits next to me on the couch. "Well well well! My name is Michael and you are?" He asks me. "Blanca" I say. I stare into his eyes. They are very beautiful. More beautiful than I can imagine. And to make it better they are my favorite color. Green. He opened his mouth again to say something else but that's when he got interrupted.

"Well Michael I see you've met Blanca" I turn and see Calum at the doorway with two other boys. One of the boys had curly hair and dimples. The other one had blue eyes and a lip piercing. And again their height!!!! What's up with Australian boys being so tall!!!?

"Wait you know her?" Michael asks.
"No shit who do you think brought her here?" Calum replied.

"Well I just thought some hot babe managed to find our flat somehow" Michael says as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Michael stop being creepy you're scaring her" Calum says as he walks over to us and brushes Michael off me.

"Are you alright Blanca?" He asks me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say but the thing is I wasn't creeped out at all. I kinda liked it.

Michael gets up and stands next to the other two boys.

"Okay guys so I brought you downstairs to introduce you to Blanca. I found her while I was walking down the street and she needed a place to stay since it's her first time being here" Calum speaks but I was nervous as to what the boys would say about me.

"She's hot so I say she can stay" Michael says.

"Dammit Michael let me finish!" Calum yells at him.
"Fine" he replies.

"As I was saying, Blanca, this here is Luke, Ashton, and obviously you know Michael already"

I look at Michael and he winks at me. I just smile.

Luke is the one with blue eyes and the lip piercing and Ashton is the one with curly hair and dimples. They are both very attractive. Calum notices me staring at them and calls my attention.

"Blanca are you listening?" He asks.
"Uh yeah sorry" I reply. He looked upset almost as if he was jealous?

"So Blanca, Is it hi or hey?" Ashton asks me as he giggles. His giggle is unbelievable! It's so adorable. I can't help but laugh. Then that's when Ashton notices the obvious.

"GUYS SHE HAS DIMPLES TOO!" He yells out and everyone looks. I cover my face of embarrassment.

"She's so adorable!" Luke says as he comes over and gives me a hug. I feel so overwhelmed right now. I feel so loved. I've never felt loved before.

"Guys give her some space" Calum says as he grabs my hand and takes me away from them.

"Let me show you the guest room"

Voodoo doll (A Calum Hood Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now