Chapter 1

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"Blanca pack your stuff. It pains me to say this but you are moving out of this house" My mom says as she enters the kitchen.

I was on my phone eating, looking through my notifications when she said this to me. I look up at her.
"Wait what?" I say as I put down my bowl of cereal on the table.

"Your sister and I have made our decision. You're leaving here forever"

My mom turns to look at my sister. I can see her smirking at me through the doorway.

"What!!??? No you can't do this to me! Why are you doing this? I'm your daug-"

"Stop!" There was a long pause.
"You are not my daughter anymore. You never were"

"How could you say that?" I say completely hurt.

"Blanca we cannot tolerate your behavior anymore. We've had it to the point where your sister and I want to rip our heads off. Our decision is made and that's final."

"Mom you ca-"

"I am not your mother, I've said it once and I will say it again. You have until tomorrow morning to pack your stuff. I have your plane ticket right here. The taxi will pick you up from here at 8am to take you to the airport. You're flight leaves at 10am shar-"

"Where am I going?? I ask.

There was no answer.


"Mom??? Where are you sending me?" I'm crying, basically pleading on my knees at this point.

"You're moving to Australia"

~ Present Day~ Blanca's P.O.V

That right there.

That was 12 hours ago.

Here I am waiting at the airport for my flight to arrive. I've never been to the airport. Come to think of it I've never been anywhere actually. My whole life consisted of drugs, alcohol, and other shit I can't explain. I mean it's not my fault I'm like this. I didn't choose to be who I am today. Maybe moving out won't be so bad after all.

I can start my life all over again. Forget about the person I was before and focus on the new one I'll become. That's when I get a phone call from Leslie. My partner in crime. I pick up.


"Hey Blanca how's it going??"

"Hmm well so far not so good. On my way to the taxi I tripped and fell. Getting out of the taxi I tripped and fell and upon entering the airport I tripped and fell again. So I guess you can say everything is going peachy!"

"That doesn't sound like you're having fun. Look I'm sorry for what your mom is doing to you I can't imagine why-"

"Leslie don't feel pity for me you know exactly why she kicked me out. All that partying, doing drugs, getting arrested that one time for vandalizing Mr. Ashby's house, heck I would've kicked myself out too. I'm such a wreck."

"But none of that was your fault"

"No it wasn't as a matter of fact my sister is probably throwing a huge fucking party over there right now that little skank. Hope she's happy now that I'm gone"

"Hey but look on the bright side. You don't have to see her skanky little face ever again"

"Yes Les but here's the thing, I've never been to Australia. I don't know what it's like over there. Here in California its different. I'm petrified of the thought of living on my own now when I don't know how to do shit. Where am I going to stay when I get there??"

"That's a tough question. Um stay at a motel for the night if you can find one. I'm pretty sure there'll be dozens of em over there"

"Okay Leslie maybe it wasn't clear enough for you. Let me say this again. I have no money to stay at a motel for the night. I don't even have money to buy myself a bottle of water. This is going to be harder than I thou-"

I was interrupted by the loud speaker announcing the arrival of my flight.

*Air flight 122 California to Australia you're plane has arrived and will be departing shortly after 10 minutes*

"Hey Les? Yeah look I gotta go. My flight just got here I'll call you when I'm over there. Psh, if I even make it"

"Blanca shut up will you!!! Now go have fun!!!"

"Excuse me? Did I hear correctly? Did you just say have fun?? How is getting kicked out and sent somewhere you have no idea on earth where it is having fu-"

*Last call for flight 122 California to Australia now leaving in 1 minute*

"Jesus Christ I'm going!!!! Okay Leslie now I really gotta go! Don't want to get left here in this shitty ass city. Catch ya on the flip side"

"Good luck" Leslie says as she hangs up.

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