1. Interview

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(Nialls pov).                                            

I had to start getting ready for a show because we were on ABC soon and I still needed to take a shower and change.
When I was about done and ready to walk out the 4 guys being Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Harry all walked in my dressing room for no reason
lately they have been really weird around me, Liam has even been more protective but I didn't think it was anything really important is I put it in the back of my mind.
"what do you guys want?" I asked calmly. "we were just seeing if you were ready because we don't have a lot of time left nialler" Zayn said like he almost rehearsed it. "Well if you couldn't tell I was just about to walk out until you 4 walked in" I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice but what can you do with 4 completely different boys who you are with 24/7.
I dropped my phone as we were walking out, I bent over to pick it up when I heard Liam and Zayn both growl and moan quietly but loud Enough so I could hear right behind me, making me blush furiously like someone painted my face.
When I stood up to turn around and see what happened all 4 of them were staring at me with seductive smirks on their faces as they probably noticed I was blushing like crazy. I must say over these past two years with the band they are pretty attractive and I'm not gonna lie, to me it goes like this Liam, Zayn, Louis, Harry they are all attractive in their own ways.
Liam being the charming, outgoing, pretty boy or puppy as our fans call him.
Zayn is the mysterious, calm, quiet one. Harry is the jokester with all his knock knock jokes.
Louis is the hyper, flamboyant, one of the group who always tries to make you smile.
While we were walking to the car I could only fell their eyes on my ass the whole way until I turned around, "why are you staring it's making for feel uncomfortable, and judged?" I said looking at all of them "we're not judging you were admiring how nice of an ass you have" Zayn growled with his deep Bradford accent that could make anyone weak in the knees.
When we got to the interview there was one small couch like usual and they expect five people to fit on so we're always squished together so it went me on the left and then Liam next to me and Zayn the Louis sat on the arm by me and Harry stood behind the couch. The first question asked about Zayn and perrie which I thought was a weird first question but they were recently engaged so I guess it was okay but we all knew she was a beard like Eleanor to Louis and Danielle to Liam. Larry was very real like most of the fans predicted but Zayn not so much I mean they were best mates but not dating even though I thought they would be cute and none of them knew I was gay because I wasn't comfortable saying yet but I realized i would tell them soon but not yet. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I was asked a question"so Niall are the rumors true about you dating Demi Lovato?" "No she is just my good friend" I said pretty bluntly but it was a straight forward question and management didn't say anything so it was expectable. Before I knew it the interview was over and we weren't performing since this wasn't a promotional event. Soon after that last question we quickly got up and went to get our things so we could leave since we just finished take me home tour we could have a break and Simon is giving us a very long break being a couple months in his getaway house on a private island near Hawaii or some shit.

Plz tell me how this was and if I should continue. Feedback is great thx. 🔥👌❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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