5. Secrets

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(Niall's pov)

When the three of us arrived in the living room we were greeted by Louis and Harry snogging until Zayn clears his throat loud enough for them to jump away from each other.

I said the first thing "I didn't know you guys are dating" kind of shocked how the three of us were completely oblivious to their strong relationship. "Yea we just didn't say anything because we were scared of what you would think of this" Harry said almost inaudible of how quiet he was,"honestly four out of five members of this band are gay so there isn't anything wrong with that" Liam said as he looked at me like I had two heads.

We then went on with our normal routine of eating and watching t.v. The five of us were all on the couch so i took the opportunity to say " guys can I tell you something I've never told anyone before?" Quietly as this was one of the hardest things to do, "yes" Louis said for the four of them, "I am gay" i blurted put as I felt a lump in my throat.

The four of them looked at me and smiled all jumping on top of me to have a group hug as to now this entire band is openly gay with each other. "That's great Niall and you should never feel bad because of something you can't control I felt the same way" Zayn said encouragingly like he was Oprah Winfrey. "Thanks guys I love the support" I said smiling hugely at them showing my teeth, honestly I never had a problem with my sexuality but it was hard to tell anyone. "Who do you like?" Liam asked me with the same smirk he always has Making my stomach flutter, "I can't tell you" I said in a very nervous tone as I tried not to stutter to give it away as I looked down and blushed a bright crimson red.

I didn't think that he would be the one to ask me as he is the most understanding but I didn't blame him with this new information he attained, but I thought it was obvious I liked Liam and Zayn since I could never stop blushing around them. "Hello, earth to Niall" Louis yelled trying to get my attention as I was lost in my thoughts leaving a worried Zayn and Liam which I thought was weird since I was just not paying attention, it's not like I died. "I'm here, I was just thinking about something" I said quietly but politely since I didn't want Liam and Zayn to worry about me since they had their own problems and shouldn't be burdened with mine. "Please tell us who you like it will never get out unless you want it to" Louis said desperately but I just was too nervous to say so I said "there both In this band, and yes I have two crushes" i said as bluntly as possible as I blushed again making them all grin at me but they probably knew who I was talking about and they just left the questions at that.

I so badly wanted to tell Liam and Zayn how I felt since they were gay which I also learned today but didn't since I was too scared. I was scared because I didn't want them to be creeped out that there close band meme we Niall has liked them since X factor.

Harry then grabbed toy story which is Liam's favorite movie and all got snacks and took our seats Zayn and Liam sitting on either side of me again as Louis and Harry took the other couch to cuddle.

I was in badly need for some sappy boyfriend affection since I'm 21 and never dated anyone since I've been too closeted and nervous to think about being serious with someone besides Liam and Zayn.

As I watered to eat my popcorn Zayn put his hand on my thigh again startling me since I didn't see that coming, then Liam decides to hold my free hand both gestures making me blush furiously and give me the tingly feeling everywhere, Liam's hands the warmest most welcoming touch you could ask for as he squeezed my hand at the end which he always years up at.

They were both so cute and I almost died when I was picked up bridal style and carried up into the bedroom by Liam as Zayn arrived right after us as I was set down on the bed, Liam and Zayn layer down beside me sandwiching me between them as Liam played with my hair.

The silence was stopped when Zayn asked "do you like us?are we the two you are talking about?" He asked so desperately my heart wanted to shatter but I couldn't lie so I gave in to him, "yes, you both are the ones I like" and just looked at a happy Zayn and Liam who probably had a feeling I did but I never thought that what they said next was true. "We like you to" Liam said as his breath tickled my neck sending shivers down my spine, "really?" I said in a very shocked tone as they nodded in unison. I don't know what I just got myself into since they both said we like you to as in a three way relationship which I have never rally thought about, maybe it is like sister wives or something like That.

So I couldn't help but ask "so both of you like me back? How do I pick?" Kind of regretting the question since it could hurt one of them but Zayn said "we were thinking you could date both of us at the same time and it would just be like having two boyfriends but we won't be jealous and don't think of it as cheating if we kiss or something" as a smirk showed on his chiseled jaw.

But I said why the hell not "that sounds great and btw I have never been in a relationship so... I don't know much, I haven't even had my first kiss" I said embarrassed but they didn't seem to mind. "That's perfectly fine with us and if you want we can take it slow, just show affection towards us and if you want kiss, hug, cuddle, whatever you want, but you are only dating is two so you can't date anyone else understood?" Liam said in a stern but convincing voice and I just nodded and fell asleep in Liam's arms as Zayn slept to my right with his head in the crook of my neck letting little puffs of air out.

Merry Christmas and this is a Christmas update. Hope you enjoyed this chapter was fun to make and sorry if this update rooms coupe of days. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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