4. Tay's Dream Came True (and Oli's Nightmare)

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A/N- I apologise for this chapter, it has a sort of upsetting theme towards the end, so I feel like it needs a /slight/ trigger warning as it does have a kinda uncomfortable scene at the very end of the chapter.

"Alexa!" Lynn exclaims. "I have just came up with the best idea ever to get back at Tay!"

Alexa sighs, knowing this is going to be another one of Lynn's crazy plans. They almost always go horrifically wrong and backfire on her.

"We have to go to the party tonight!"

"Do we have to?" Alexa whines. She knows she really shouldn't disagree with Lynn, but if there's one thing she hates, it's a room full of drunk teenagers grinding on other drunk teenagers.

"Yes!" Lynn replies. "And we have to get there early, so I can set everything up!"

"Oh no," Alexa braces herself for what's to come. "What do you need to set up."

"Well I know the ultra super mega bitch face slut is going to do something bad," Lynn explains. "So I'm going to set up cameras in every room to get footage of her doing it!"

"And how are we going to do this?" Alexa wants to know, she's skeptical about this whole thing.

"Well we get there early, and while everyone is busy messing around with drinks, we sneakily put up cameras in all the rooms," Lynn explains it as if it's the most simple thing to do.


Oli rings the doorbell on his boyfriend's house. His hands sweat nervously as he's still super scared about Josh's parents finding out about them. Even though he knows they won't come into Josh's room, he still always has that paranoia.

His negative thoughts dissolve out when the door is answered by the beauty that is Josh Franceshi, and a smile crosses his face as he steps in the door.

The two boys silently walk up the stairs, before going into Josh's room and making sure the door is shut behind them.

"Do you think we should just ditch Zack's?" Josh suggests, making himself comfortable on the bed.

"I'd rather stay here with you," Oli replies honestly. "But it'll look a bit suspicious if we don't show."

"I suppose," Josh sighs. "It would've been nice to have a night that's just the two of us, though."

"We can do that tomorrow then!" Oli suggests. "At my house, so we don't have the parent fear."

"Okay, sounds great!" Josh replies with a smile.

"I mean, we'll still be together at the party tonight, so it's a win-win, really."

"True," Josh agrees.

"Plus, if we act slightly gay around each other, we can blame it on being drunk!" Oli laughs.

"I'm glad we can spend all this time together," Josh sighs lovingly.

"Me too," Oli smiles. "I really love you."

Josh tries to look down in an attempt to hide his blushing cheeks. "I love you too," he replies.

Oli lifts up Josh's chin so that he's looking him dead in the eye, his cheeks still crimson red. He leans in, capturing the boy's lips in a passionate kiss. Josh wraps his arms around Oli's shoulders as he kisses back with just as much force.

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