Chapter 3- Heading Out

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 Vegas’ POV-

        I watched her walk away and I tried yelling after her, “Sam, wait a minute!” But she just ignored me. I felt so angry with her, what if she had got biten or killed? I’m just looking out for her. But her stupid pride and ‘know-it-all’ attitude is so frustrating. I sighed and took my rage out on a few glass vases that had been on the shelves near us.I picked them up and began throwing them to the ground one-by-one; watching them shatter was almost a release for me and I calmed down after a few minutes. I sighed heavily and composed myself before walking out from behind the aisle to find the boys pretending to be diligently working. I saw Louis lean in close to Zayn and whisper something barely audible. I raised an eyebrow and asked curiously, "What was that, Louis? I couldn't hear you." Louis and Zayn immediately looked at me, their faces blank. "Uh.. nothing?" He said sheepishly. I rolled my eyes and was going to turn around when Liam spoke exactly what was on my mind, "That sounded more like a question than an answer, mate." 

       I laughed a little when I heard Louis shush Liam and I chose to let his secret keeping slip, this time. I walked over to them and said bossily, "We're leaving in 5, so get what you need and pack it up." I turned around to get something for me, and was in the process of grabbing a big bag, full of god knows what, when I heard Niall question, “What about your friend?” I turned around to find, not only him, but all of the boys staring at me questioningly. I sighed dramatically, and said irritably,  “She knows that we’re going to leave soon, and if she’s not out in the truck in 5 minutes I’ll radio her. Okay?” I raised an eyebrow, and he just nodded solemnly before going back to stuffing his bag with snacks. I instantly felt bad for talking to him so bitchily, and decided that I would make it up to him later; but right now we need to focus on getting in the truck and leaving.

        I opened the camping bag I had found, and saw that it was already filled with a few snacks, 2 flashlights, a pack of batteries and a sleeping bag. I slung it over my shoulder as I grabbed a pillow from a nearby storage bin. I laughed a little as I heard Zayn talking to Niall, "Niall, you can't just take food. You have to grab other things too." I was turning around to tell the boys to meet me in the car and to comment on Niall only bringing food, when something caught my eyes. I was transfixed on the object as I faintly heard Niall argue back, "You get your own stuff and I'll get mine." But his words didn't register, I was in a complete trance. My eyes focused intently across the aisle where on a shelf, there was a little locket, slung around a plush, little toy bear.

         My face suck, immediately as I remember the memories I had kept locked away since the apocalypse had started. The memories that had haunted me since I was little, memories that I desperately did not want to remember. I could hear one of the approaching me, and I knew it was Liam by the tone in his voice as he yelled to Zayn, "We need stuff like food, clothes, blankets, and pillows; not hair products and combs. So you have no right to tell Niall not to be grabbing food." I was absently listening to Zayn's retort as I tried to push out the looming memories, "Well what if we meet someone out there? I want my hair to look good." There was a scoff behind me that came from one of the boys. "Who are we going to see out there? Hollywood and Vegas are the only other people we've seen in months..."  Harry said, trailing off at the end. I took a moment to consider the sadness in his voice, but disregarded it. I shook off the feeling of remorse and replaced it with denial and a fake smile as I turned to approach the boys. "Besides, aren't you, Louis and Harry getting that stuff?" Zayn said, ignoring Harry's sarcastic comment. I looked at Liam who was giving Zayn an annoyed look, "Yes, but that doesn't mean that you can't help us." I heard Louis give a snicker before interrupting Zayn who was going to say something else, "Well looks like Niall's getting the food, and Zayn's got all the hair product we need."

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