Chapter 1- Finding Company

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Vegas P.O.V. ~

        “There’s another straggler.” I said pulling over to the side of the road, while simultaneously rolling down my car window. I heard a little laugh come from the passenger’s seat and I turned my head to give a quick glance at my companion, “What are you laughing at?” I gave her a weird look, as I grabbed my ’9mm glock from my gun holster, and she straightened her face, “Nothing, just don’t enjoy this too much, Vegas.” I gave her a sly smile as I turned my attention back out the driver’s window. I peered across the seemingly empty highway, until I saw my target. About 60 yards in front of our, 2012 ford F1, pickup truck there was a man limping towards us with one of his arms missing, his left foot cocked to the side, at an odd angle, and his clothes soaked in blood. I lined him up in my scope, just as he saw us sitting there in our truck. He started to pick up his pace, while still hobbling, but before he got another yard I had pulled the trigger on my gun and shot him right in between the eyes. He fell to the ground with a soft thud, and that was the end of that.

         I smiled to myself, as I put my gun back in my leg holster, before I restarted the car. I glanced over at Hollywood to see her chuckling to herself. I raised an eyebrow at her, and she explained herself, “You are such a show off, oh let me be all ‘bad ass’ and shoot this Zombie right in between the eyes. Oh don’t mind me, just being all cool and kick ass, I’m going to show off to no one.” I narrowed my eyes at her, showing her that I was not pleased with her impression of me, “Shut-it Hollywood. You’re just jealous because I’m that cool and daymn sexy.” I gave her a wink after making my signature ‘sexy face’, which in all reality is just me portraying my idea of the former adolescent girl; who, in my opinion, was prissy and spoiled as all hell, making her laugh at me. I tried to keep the face I was making, but her laugh was too funny, so after a minute I gave in and laughed with her. It’s nice having a friend during the end of the world, someone who is calm under pressure and can dish out some banter. Plus it helps when that friend knows how to shoot a gun and is an expert Zombie killer.

        I rested my head against the window, and let my right arm fall to my side, while I gave a heavy sigh as we continued to drive down the abandoned road we were on. My brain was fried; this was by far the longest time I had ever driven. Usually by now, Hollywood would have taken over and I would be peacefully asleep in the back seat, covered up one of our thick wool blankets, with my hand resting on the grip of my gun, just in case; but today she decided that she wouldn't pity me and take over driving. I looked over at Hollywood, expecting her to ask me what was wrong or why I was sighing, but no such thing escaped her lips. I narrowed my eyes a little, and gave another heavy, dramatic sigh, trying my hardest to get her attention. “Ugghh…….” I carried out the sigh as long as I could trying to make myself sound pitiful and tired as possible. She just kept looking down at the little book in her hands, that she had read more than a thousand times, which is far from an exaggeration. Not as much as a raised eyebrow, she must know what I want.  I decided to up the ante and groaned as pitifully as possible, “Sam….” I had used her actual name, not our fake names for each other, and boy did that get her attention. She snapped her head up and looked at me with pure annoyance, “What do you want? What is so important that you can’t let me have some time to myself?” I looked at her with wide eyes, shocked by her snippiness, “Well if you’re going to be all grumpy, then never mind.” I picked my head off the window, where it was resting, and griped the steering wheel tightly while focusing my eyes on the road ahead of me. Hollywood sighed, “I’m sorry,” Her tone was sweeter than it had been and I did a mental smirk, knowing that she felt bad for snapping at me “Now, what is it you want Vegas?” I looked at her, and then back at the road, “I think we should make a pit stop somewhere around here. I’m starving and tired. Plus it’ll be dusk in a few hours, so we need to make a shelter of some sort.”

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