But How? : Chapter 8

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Here is chapter 8 of INYOURSHADOW!! We have gone quite far from the start, haven't we? XD Hope y'all are enjoying the suspense! Please read, comment, and spread the word! On to chapter 8!! :DD



"What?" Grammy sputtered. "That's impossible. They'll never do that to each other."

"I had a dream once." Simone said dreamily, "where I saw it. I saw it all happen."

"What are you talking about Simone? It was just a dream!" Grammy cried.

"Is this just a dream?" Simone asked sharply, snapped out of her reverie.

"It could be." 

"It isn't!" Simone said shrilly.

"Have you any proof that this isn't a just a dream?"

Simone looked around, then grabbed a broken branch from the ground beside her and scratched Grammy's arm with it.

Grammy immediately withdrew her arm, blood starting to leak from the wound as she asked "What was that for?!"

"That," Simone said as she tossed the branch away, "is proof."

Grammy didn't bother asking how it could be proof.

"You have to keep them away from each other." Simone hissed. 

"Wait, tell me about the dream first. Maybe I can stop it from happening."

"Fine." Simone huffed. "Okay, in the dream, it was very dark, and raining very heavily. I could barely see anything through the storm. But I knew that I was on the roof of a very tall building, in the center of the city. But I don't know which building it was, though. When my eyes finally adjusted to the dark, I could see two figures on the edge of the roof, and they were arguing. Really loudly, I suppose, because I could hear them over the sound of the storm. Then, lightning illuminated their faces.  It was Bill and Tom."

"Oh no." Grammy whispered.

"Oh yes. Then, one of the twins, I couldn't tell which one, it was so dark, pushed the other one onto the ledge of the roof. Then, he fell. Into the darkness."

Grammy was speechless. How could the sweet twins ever do that to each other? She was in half a mind not to believe in Simone. 

"But," Simone added as an afterthought, "I don't think the one who pushed the other one onto the ledge wanted to push him off the building. I think he just wanted to scare him, or teach him a lesson, or something. But obviously, the ledge was wet and slippery with all that rain, and he just slipped off the edge."

Grammy shook her head in disbelief. She didn't think any of the twins would ever teach the other a lesson by pushing onto the edge of a roof. She knew them way better than that.

"Still don't believe me? Just wait. It will happen, unless you find a way to stop them from being together. Or you never let Bill out of your sight."

"That's not possible. He has to go to work, and he goes out with his friends. I can't tag along after him all the time, he would be so embarassed. And I don't think my back could take it either."

"Then make sure he avoids tall buildings."

"Again, not possible."

"What if you buy one of those trackers? You know, slip one into his pocket and you'll know wherever he goes."

"No way. I am not going to violate his privacy like that."

"Then find a way to make sure that doesn't happen!"

"I will try."

"Trying is not enough! This is a matter of life and death!"

"Alright, alright! I will, to the best of my ability, stop that dream of yours from coming true."

"Good." said Simone, satisfied. "Goodbye now, Mother."

"Wait, what? I have to ask you, how did you know you were going to die a week before-"

Grammy was cut off abruptly by a huge tornado materializing out of nowhere. The sky had become dark without her noticing. She screamed, but Simone just sat there calmly as though there was no tornado.

"Simone, get up! There's a tornado, we have to run!"

"But Mother, I thought this was just a dream."

"You said it wasn't! It doesn't matter, just get up!" 

Then it was too late. The tornado devoured Simone.

"No!" Grammy cried, before running away herself.

She didn't get too far before she tripped on a tree root and the tornado ate her up too. And that was when she woke up.

Grammy gasped for breath, heart beating in her throat. Bill, she thought. I have to tell Bill. She got up, noticing a sharp pain on her arm. She examined it and gasped in surprise. The cut that Simone caused her was there. That meant the dream was as real as can be. She shook her head, the urgency of telling Bill about the dream increasing. She practically ran into his room. He wasn't there.

"Bill?" she called. "Are you home?"

There was no answer. He must've gone out, she thought.

She went back to her room, slumping heavily onto her bed, head in her hands, thinking about the dream. Could it be true? If it was, she'd have to do anything she could to protect Bill and Tom. From each other. She lifted her head from her hands, cupping her chin with her palms. She surveyed her bedroom, then spotted a piece of paper with Grammy on it in Bill's writing. She quickly grabbed it and unfolded it, scanning the message inside.


I've gone out with Tom. We're meeting up at the Starbucks at Gee Avenue. I'll be back in a couple of hours, so don't worry about me.



She clutched the paper tightly in her hand, hoping that Bill will take it well when she tells him that he can't see Tom anymore.

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