FlashbackLadies first this years district 4 female tribute is Michelle Monza. She walked up that stage like she can get anything she wanted she was technically district 4's slut. My name is Ace Monza Michelle is my step sister that dissevered to die in the games. What hit me the hardest is when my best friend/ boyfriend got called his name was Finnick Odair. Finn and I broke up before he left we thought it would be for the best but it wasn't he came back as victor and fell in love with Annie. I let them be but we still hung out. Finn and I were best friends than started to date then he got reaped and that was it end of friendship and lovers. My step sister got reaped the same time he did and she died in the blood bath. I remember him coming back and acting all cocky he changed he flirts with every girl in 4 and its annoying. He fell in love with Annie when he came back and I let them be.
I woke up this morning and grabbed my trident that my mom gave me before she died and went outside to catch some fish. I was getting the fish when I noticed someone presence by me I looked out from the corner of my eye and saw Finnick Odair capitals darling there sea god.
"Hey Ace. Are you ready for the reaping?"
"Hi. No. The capital is sick. How did you stand them when you there?"
"I just sucked it up and got on with it."
"Cool. I have to get ready. Bye Finnick." and with that I left before he could say something.
I got home took a bath then changed into a blue dress, with two bracelets one was a trident bracelet and the other had a turtle with brown and blue beads, my shoes were brown saddles and my hair was braided than wavy. Almost most of the teenage male population in district 4 is my friend I only have one female friend. Are escort his name is Chin Baylee from the capital he was dressed in all blue. They showed the clip that they show every year. Alright lets have some manners ladies first. Okay quick thing my friend her name is Lina and her little sisters name is Alana. Okay Chin reached inside the bowl and grabbed a name and the name was Alana Slick. Once her name was called I knew what Lina was going to do so I quickly said I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE! I said so Lina didn't have to she looked really gratefully for what I did and Finnick looked really mad. I walked up there and Chin said, "Well looks like we have a volunteer. What is your name dearie?"
"Ace Monza." I stated "Why did you volunteer for that little girl?" "Because her sister is my friend and she wont be able to win the games." The reason why I said that was because she is the mayors daughter she doesn't have what the skills are to survive. I know that sounds harsh but its the truth.
"Alright than lets move on to the male tribute. This years male tribute is Chad Dickenson."
That dude hates my guts. We shook hands and we were token into the Justice Building. The only people that cam was Lina, Alana, Annie, and my father. After that we left to head to the capital.
District 4 victors love
FanfictionMy name is Ace Monza. I'm from District 4. My best friend is Finnick Odair he won 65TH Hunger Games at age 14. It is know the 68 Hunger Games and I have been chosen. What do you think is going to happen.