MiniCat- RoadTrip!

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(There is going to be a lot of time skips in this one shot because is a road trip plus I got this idea from Mini Ladd Irish road trip and the video is up top but that is just part one so if you want to watch part 2 just search it up. sorry if that sounded rude but anyway as all was Smoshfangirl82 out for.)

Wildcat- Headspace of a 1 1/2 year old

Mini- Daddy

Later on Nogla- Lui daddy and Lui- Headspace of a 10 mouth old

Mini's POV

I heard my phone alarm going of meaning I have to go soon and start blogging the road trip with Wildcat and I, as I finish putting all of the bags into the boot of the car I heard a whimper coming from the baby monitor meaning Wildcat is up. I shut the boot as I ran inside and into Wildcat room to see him sitting up in his crib shanking the bars a bit

"Hey baby, did you have a good sleep?"

"Yes daddy" he said as I picked him up from his crib as I quickly got him change into his pig onesie and got his little pig plushier, his blanket, and his paci as I walked back outside and locked the front door

"Daddy, Where going?"

"We are going to see uncle Nogla and Uncle Terroriser but we have to drive there that's why we are living"

"Okay" he said as I put him into his car seat and gave him all of his stuff as I got out my vlog camera and started blogging.

Time skips...

Half way their I had to stop for fuel so I stopped at the close gas station and I looked in the rear mirror to see 'little' Wildcat fast asleep sucking his thumb and hugging his little pig plushier, I smiled to myself as I opened the car door and gentle closed it but that woke up Wildcat and he started crying, I quickly open his door and I got him out of his car seat and started hushing him down

"Baby shh I'm sorry that I woke you up but please calm down" I said as Wildcat's cries turn into sniffles as he gave me a hug and did not want to let go

"Baby I have to fill up the car so please let go"

"No, miss daddy hugs"

"Baby please"

"Okay daddy" He said as he let go and sat back into his car seat as I kissed his forehead

"Baby we are knell there okay; once we get there I promise you'll get a lot of hug's okay?"

"Okay d... daddy" he said as he fell asleep again

'Must of not had a nether sleep last night' I thought as I quickly filled up the car and paid as I went back onto the road.

Times skip again.... Wildcat's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to see daddy still driving but talking to someone and then it clicked, he is talking to uncle Nogla

"Hi uncle Nogla" I shouted as both Nogla and daddy giggled

"Well hello there little man how are you?"

"Good, but really tied" I said as I heard in the background someone saying 'daddy' and it was Lui (A/N I know Lui and Nogla do not live together any more well I think so, but in this one shot there live together and Nogla brother is just visiting okay, good back to the one shot)

"Lui" I shouted hoping he heard me and likely he did

"Kitty" Lui shouted as we both giggled

"Sorry guys but we have to hung up now"

"No please daddy"

"Baby we are knell there so when we get there you both can talk and play with each other"

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