Scout X Sniper- Punishment and doctor visit!

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(Hey everyone smoshfangirl82 here and sorry i left this book for a long time, I've been going though so much, but now I can write again, I really want to keep writing one shots story's again and all. Anyway this one shot is for cocolab1000 I really hope you like it, same with everyone else, anyway I hope you enjoy the one shot and as all was smoshfangirl82 out for now!)

Scout- headspace of a 9 mouth 

Sniper- daddy

Sniper's POV

All of my terms even scout my baby and I where doing some training before we have a real match with the blue term but I noticed Scout has been acting weird, he keep holding his crouch area more then one he even come up to me twice and said he need a change. Which is odd when he big scout he can control his bladder and bowls really really well but when he baby he loses all control. I'm starting to thick he has a bladder problem from holding it to much. Anyway I was sniping some cans down for practice but as I looked through my sniper again and looked at scout I saw him holding his crouch again but ignored it and went back to training.

'okay that odd, he never holds his crouch like ever when big' I thought as I continue shooting down the cans, 5 mins later I checked on scout again and saw his pants damp again

"Scout stay there I need a word with you!" I shouted to him as he looked up at me and just gave a thumbs up as I packed up and put my bag on my back as I walked to scout 

"hey babe!" Scout said sweetly and was about to kiss me but I stopped him and went to his height level 

"Scout sweetie, we need to see the medic about your day wetting problems this could be serious"

"WHAT!? No no no no I'm not going!" Scout yelled and stomped his feet

"Scout you have to not buts" I said in a stern tone of voice as scout tear up as he started screaming and crying falling onto the ground failing his arms and legs around like a baby would 

"Jermery scout you stop this right now or your getting a spanking right here and now" I sternly said but he did not hear me as he screamed louder and keep on kicking and screaming.

"That it!!" I said as I went through my bag and got the hair brush and picked scout up and sat down on the stairs as I pulled down scout jeans and boxers making him freeze 

"daddy I sowwy!!"

"is okay but you still got to learn a lesson so 5 for not listen to me and 10 for throwing an tantrum" I said as he nodded as i layed the hair brush on his bottom and lift it high and 

SPANK the first spank made scout jump up with shock as I keep on going. As I got to the 10th one scout was bailing his eyes out, i stopped and rubbed his back 

"Just 5 more baby you doing so so well" I said as scout sniffled and nodded as I gave the last 5 on his sitting spot. I quickly put the brush away and slid scout boxers on as I lift scout up and sat him on my lap giving him a hug 

"your daddy brave boy you did so so well"

"I sowwy daddy"

"Is alright, let's go and see the medic and get this done so we can go home for lots of snuggles, ice cream and watching word party" I softly said as he nodded clingy onto me as I got my bag and walked all the way to the medic. As I walked in I saw the medic reading a book about something but I did not care 

"Medic" I said making him jump in shock making scout giggle at the medic

"Uh yes what can I do for you sniper!"

"is not me is scout, lately he been having addicents while being big" I explained as the medic nodded. 

"alright, why not lay scout down and I'll check his bladder area"Medic said as I nodded and lay scout down making him whine loudly but I shushed him holding his hand making him calm down. The medic started checking scout bladder area as he hummed and tusked like he does

"well scout fine and all but I guess because he been in his headspace for so long he lost his control on his bladder that all sniper nothing to worry about"

"Okay thanks medic" I said as I picked up scout as we walked home. Once we got home I saw scout asleep so I took him upstairs and undressed him and changed him into a clean nappy and nice red onesie, I gently layed him in his crib with his blanket, teddy bear and slipped a paci into his mouth 

"Sweet dreams sweetie" I said as I shut the door gently and let my little price sleep. He may have there's tantrums and bad days but he all was my good little boy at the end. 

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