Scout x Sniper- Nightmare

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(This one shot is for cocolab1000 request a term forest 2 one shot, sorry if this is bad I'm new to term forest 2 but I know what it is, anyway enjoy the one shot)

Scout- Headspace of a 9 mouth old

Sniper- Daddy

Sniper's POV

"Scout get back here" I shouted as Scout just keeping running away from me in just his nappy, I have been trying to get him into his onesie but he just keep's running away until I heard his bedroom door being closed, So I slowly walked up there and opened the door but no Scout but I then heard a quiet snore from the cubed so I opened it but when I did I aww. my little baby boy was fast asleep sucking his thumb, I gently picked him up and got him changed into his red onesie and tucked him into his crib and gave him his dummy with his logo in the middle as I kissed his forehead

"Goodnight baby" I said as I put his nightlight on and turned off the lights and went to bed myself.

Scout's POV (Dream world)

I just got home after other mission was finished but something simmer off, every time I finish a mission daddy would all was come and check on me then making me my favorite dinner, but not this time. I putt all my stuff away as I walked around to see everyone other talking or doing work but still no daddy. So I decided to walk home thinking he would be there. Once I got there I saw our door broking making me scared as I slowly walked in to see smashed glass every, photos gone, but the one thing that scared me the worst was that I saw blood from here to upstairs. I gulped nerves as I slowly walked upstairs until I stopped in front of... Daddy's door, I slowly opened it to see daddy lying on the floor blood covering him and his eyes closed

"Daddy" I shouted as I ran to see his side and coached next to him as some of his blood got onto my hands and cloths as I keep on crying into my daddy's chest as everything got black.

(Real world)

I quickly sat up in my crib patting and sweating rolling down my face but I also felt tears rolling down my checks as I started screaming and crying with fear. Daddy might be dead and I can't help him.

Sniper's POV

I sat up in bed like a rocket as I heard screaming and crying from Scout, Scout never cry's at midnight unless he is sick. I got out of bed and walked into my baby's room to see him sitting up in his crib, tears and snot running down his face, I gently picked him up and started rocking him

"What's worry baby?"

"Daddy bwt died" Scout sobbed out as I gently rubbed his back and hummed his favorite song to calm him down a bit but did not work as he keep on sobbing so I got his favorite teddy bear and his dummy as I put his dummy into his mouth and gave him his teddy bear as his sob's turn into quiet whimpers

"Why not come and sleep with daddy tonight baby" I asked as he nodded his head. I walked back into my bedroom as I lay Scout onto my bed but he started crying again. Man must of being a scary dream for him

"Baby shh is okay, I'm just getting you bot-bot (Aka bottle)" I said as I got a pre made bottle from my mini fringe and put it in the microwave as I picked Scout back up and started rocking him as he calmed down a bit as I got his bottle and gave it to him as he slowly drunk it as I started rocking him back and forth but half way through his bottle he was out like a light again as I slowly placed him into bed and kissed his forehead

"Goodnight baby, I love you" I said as sleep slowly took over me. I'm glad my baby is okay.

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