Markiplier- Forgotten

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Mark's POV

I woke up super early today because I'm doing a chatter live stream for a least 4 hours and Matt and Ryan are going to help me out do everything. As I finish setting up the last camera i quickly walked out and cheek on Shannon to see that she is still asleep 

"Dude come on we have to start" Matt said as i quickly ran into my recording room and started the live stream.

Shannon's POV (a hour later)

I slowly woke up to see a dark room only my night light usually daddy all was open the current for me including if I'm still asleep I just shrugged it of and sat up to fill that i have a full nappy. Tears form in my eyes as i started screaming for daddy, Ryan or Matt but after 10 mins no one came. I sigh sadly as i stood up and try to unlock the crib or my dungeon and after what felt like a hour which was only 10 mins i unlocked the crib, I got my Sam plusher and Tiny box Tim as i hope out of my crib and crawled to daddy's recording room as i started knocking but after some time no one answered and this got me upset. 

'there forgot about me' I thought as i crawled to my room and got my little backpack as I packed up my favorite blue dummy with Sam, tiny box Tim, some nappy's wipes and my favorite pink/green blanket that daddy's mum made for me. I waited for another 10 mins just in case but after that no one came. I gently crawled downstairs and out the front door to go to the only place I know where to go to. Uncle Wade. I keep crawling for  5 mins and I then saw Wade front door. I gently knocked onto his door as Wade swung the door open to see me

"Shannon what are you doing here where is Mark"

"forgot" Was the only thing could saw as I started crying and made grubby hands to Wade. Wade quickly scooped me into his arms as he took of my backpack and put it on the couch, he quickly got his laptop out as I saw him hope onto Marks channel and onto his live stream as I cried even more as he quickly typed

'Mark did you forget about some little girl?' and hit post as Wade lay me down on the couch as he took of my onesie and once he saw my fully nappy I started crying again.

"Shh calm down is okay Sweetie" Wade said as he quickly changed me. When he finish changing me Wade gentle picked me up and started rocking as he watched Mark live stream to see him still playing games.

"daddy forgot me" I whimpered as Wade tepid again


Mark's POV

3 1/2 hours in the live stream i saw a comment from Wade saying 'MARK YOUR LITTLE BABY GIRL IS HERE WITH ME SOBBING HER HEART OUT THINKING YOU FORGOT HER' I sat there really shocked as I remember that I have not check on Shannon for 3 hours now

"I got to go guys" I said as Ryan cut the live stream

"what's worry Mark"

"have you or Matt cheek on Shannon" I asked, Both Ryan and Matt stood there shocked as I quickly ran out the room and got my car keys as I drove to Wade houses. When I got to Wade houses I knocked on his door and Wade open the door to be holding a upset Shannon

"Baby I am so so sorry, i did not mean to forgot you I was just so bruises with work and everything so please forgive me" I said but Shannon just shocked her head 'no' and clugged onto Wade like a koala bear

"Baby please I'm so so sorry" I begged as she gentle pocked her head out of Wade chest and made grubby hands to me. I gentle took her out of Wade arms and gave her a big hug

"I'm really sorry baby!" 

"Is k daddy, forgive" Shannon said as she took out her dummy and sloppy kissed my cheek 

"Thanks for looking after her Wade"

"Any time dude" he said as he pass me Shannon bag as we left. As we got home I saw Matt and Ryan in tears saying ' we are really bad uncles' but Shannon quickly jumped out of my arms and crawled over to them both as she hope onto the couch and hugged both of them. 

"Best uncles ever" she said as Ryan and Matt smiled at her and gave her a really big hug

"We promise we will never ever forgot you Shannon, we love you"

"Lowe yow too"

"Now how about movies and food"

"YAY" Shannon and Matt shouted as we all settle down on the couch and watched movies and ate food until we feel asleep in a family hug. 

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