Chapter 1~ Start Of 5th Year

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Chapter 1

Chris' P.O.V.

Lils, Mar, Al, Andy, and I climbed out of the carriage we were sharing and walked into the GH.

"Bye Andy! See you in class!" I said, waving to her as she made her way over to the Slytherin table.

She waved and smiled sadly at me.

Alice, Mary, and Lily were already sitting at the Gryffindor table as I walked over to them.

"Jeez guys. You didn't have to wait for me." I said sarcastically.

I sat beside Lily and across from Mary, who was beside Alice, who was across from Lily.

Mary shrugged. "We were hungry."

James came over and sat down next to Lily. He slung an arm over her shoulder but she just shrugged him off.

"Hey Evans," he said "Wanna go on a-"

"No." she cut him off so smoothly that Alice, Mary, and I snorted.

He glared at us before turning back to Lily.

Whenever he looked at her, this funny thing happened with his face.

He got all slack jawed, and a dreamy expression came over his eyes.

"Don't worry, Evans." he said "You'll say yes, one of these days."

I rolled my eyes as he walked down the table towards the rest of the Marauders.

"I don't think he's ever going to give up on asking you out." said Mary smirking

Lily groaned and hit her head on the table, causing me and Alice to laugh.

"Welcome, students!"

We all turned to hear my grandfather's being of the year speech.

I zoned out because over the summer, he runs his speechs by me.


"Come on Chris!"

I snapped out of my day dream and turned to see Lily standing up beside me.

"The feast is over, and all the other Gryffindors are already in the CR."

I stood up quickly and we ran back to the CR.

We came up to the painting of the Fat Lady and she scowled at us.

"You two should've been in here long ago!" she scolded

"Oh, go stuff it." I said "I'm a Dumbledor. I can do what I want."

She 'humf'ed and Lily shot me a dirty look.

"Phoenix" Lily said

The Lady swung open and we climbed through.

"You shouldn't be so rude to the Fat Lady." Lily said glaring at me "One of these days, she's not going to let you in the CR."

I rolled my eyes. "She has to let me in." I explained "As long as I know the password, and I'm a Gryffindor, she has to let me in."

We walked over to the poster board so Lily could check which room she's in, and who she's sharing it with.

First year, it was me, Lils, Al, and Mar in a room, but when I started to play with my explosives and gun powder, they decided to move out.

Since then, I've always gotten the room at the end of the dorm.

"Yes!" she exclaimed "I'm with Alice and Mary again."

I grinned. "Be sure to visit me, alright?"

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