Chapter 7 ~

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Special thanks to the lovely Katrina Knazik a.k.a. PENGUIN_POTTER for this super cute chapter.

Remus P.O.V.

Once Chris and I arrived back to the R.O.R with the snacks and drinks, we were met by a humongous fort made up of blankets and pillows.

We placed the food on a convenient table in a corner of the room, and gently grabbing Chris' hand we ventured into the fort.

The fort was amazing, it was very big, and I'm pretty sure it was being supported my magic. The layout was kind of like a maze, and it was very dark.

"Lumos." I whispered

I blushed at the fact that Chris still hadn't removed her hand from mine.

Chris seemed to get the idea and lit her wand as well.

"Where did they go?" she whispered

"I don't know, maybe this is a prank or something." I replied

We were about to round a corner, when we heard whispering. We quickly extinguished our wand lights and peered around the edge.

"So, Remus and Chris should have entered the fort by now. That means our plan is in action. We need to lure them back to this spot. We will give them a rightful scare, got it?"

I heard a few murmurs of approval, before I heard footsteps walking away in the opposite direction.

"Do you know what this means, Remus?"

Chris asked with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

I shook my head, but I already had an idea of what she's thinking.

"We," she pointed to me and herself "Are going to prank the pranksters."


We spent another minute plotting before we put out plan into action.

"Ok, see you soon." She said quickly, and stalked off into the direction our friends went.

I quickly rounded the corner, and started to wedge mini fireworks that Chris made into the nooks and crannies of the fort. By the time I finished, at least 15 were set up to go off in 1 minute.

I heard feet shuffle down the path and a pair of small hands latch onto my arm.

"Ok. They think we are heading this way now, they are heading back here. So lights out." Chris whispered quickly.

I nodded and hushed my light.

30 seconds later we heard whispering.

"Ok, so I heard Chris before, she went left, she will be walking this way any second now with Remus." James said dismissively.

Chris was quietly counting down,







The explosions echoed, and screams were heard around the corner.

Chris and I came out from behind the wall of the fort laughing our arses off.

"The pranksters get pranked." we managed to weez out

The faces of our friends suddenly twisted into evil smirks.

Chris' smile faded and so did mine. "Remus?"


"Run." We took off.


Hey guys!

Once more, thank you Katrina for the chapter.

To everyone else,
I hoped you liked it, and try to remember that school is back so while you have classes and homework, so do I.

xoxo -A

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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