I Only Need You (Teen Top~L. Joe Oneshot)

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When the flower petals slowly fade away, will you still be beside me?

(Y/N) POV-

Waaah~ it's so hot this summer. I'm in my uniform though... maybe that's why I'm so hot. I really hope eomma lets me turn on the air conditioner when I get home...

"Ah, excuse me..."

Huh? Are they talking to me? I looked up to see a brown-haired boy standing in front of me. He looked older than me, but he was wearing the uniform for a high school near mine. He was really tall, but skinny as well. He had a group of friends behind him, anxiously waiting to see what was about to happen. I really don't have time for this... it's too hot.

"Yes, how may I help you?" I asked him with a bright smile.

"Wah, she's so cute." I heard one of his friends from behind say.

"Oh, it wasn't anything major, I was just wondering if you wanted to go get something to drink since it's such a hot day? My treat of course." he said with a charming smile.

"No thank you, but I really appreciate the offer. Well, I'll be leaving first, annyeong!" I said as I waved to them while walking away. I turned to face the direction I was headed in. I was glad to handle that quickly. Next thing I know I was pulled into an alley between these two shops. My arm was being tightly squeezed. What?

"Listen, I tried to be nice, I really did, but you refused." the man with the brown hair from earlier stated. He put his free hand up to my neck and said, "So how about that drink? My offer still stands. Besides, we wouldn't want anything to happen to such a beautiful face now would we?" he asked while grinning. I was speechless. I was scared. As I was about to open my mouth, A fist came flying into his face out of nowhere. I still stood, pressed against the wall. Afraid to move, afraid of what was going on. I just hear yelling, mostly threats. Wait someone left. Ah, the guy with brown hair left. I should probably run. Yeah, run. I tried to run, but I was too shocked, my legs wouldn't move.

"Ah, what's wrong with you?" a voice asked me. He was the one who punched that guy earlier. He saved me right? Shouldn't I thank him? I looked at him slowly and saw that he had blond hair. It was in one of those popular Mohawk-like styles. But, it also had pink highlights in it. Is he a rebel or something? Am I really safe?

"Ah, why do you look at my hair like that? Tch, just because I dye my hair doesn't mean I'm a bad boy if that's what you're thinking." he said and made a pouting face. I tried to say something, but I couldn't. I opened my mouth and nothing came out. He looked over at me and at my trembling legs.

"What's wrong? Can't walk?" he asked. I simply nodded. He chuckled and began to walk over to me. He turned around and put me on his back. My heart skipped a beat.

"Yah, give me directions to where you needed to go, your family is probably worried about you." he said with a smile. I was flustered. All I could do was smile. I nodded and he chuckled a bit. I was on his back for about... 15 minutes? And he hasn't put me down. I know he's tired. I should probably try walking on my own now. He's already done so much.....

"Ah, excuse me... can we take a break?" I asked while stuttering a bit. He looked at me for a second then nodded. We went to a nearby bench and he carefully set me down.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to go get us drinks from the vendor." he smiled and ran off. He wasn't too much taller than I was, but he was really cute. And he seemed really happy too. Also... really strong. How do you just punch a stranger in the face like that?! But, he saved me, and is now helping me, I should be thankful.

"I'm back with goodies!" he announced. I lightly smiled and patted the spot on the bench next to me. He sat down next to me and handed me a soda can. We began drinking and just relaxing.

"Gwenchana?" he asked.

"Nh." I said.

"That's a relief. My name is Byunghun, but you can call me L. Joe."

"L. Joe?"

"Haha, yeah. I got that nickname from my friends while I was in the Sates."

He's been to the Sates? That's so cool...

"Ah, my name is (Y/N)."

He chuckled and then tried to go back to his drink. You glanced at him to see that he was still laughing.

"What?" you asked him.

"It's just funny."

"What is?"

"How did I meet someone so beautiful? By chance? By fate?"

You blushed at his last statement, and looked at the ground.

"W-We should probably get going."

"Oh, hop on."

"It's okay, I can walk now."

"Heh, I know you can, but I want to carry you." he said with a warm smile and I felt my heart beat quicken. I smiled at him and got on his back. I gave him directions to my house and we had small conversations on the way there. When we finally reached my house we were both panting. Him from carrying me, and me from laughing at his jokes. He's so funny, I'm almost upset that he's about to leave. We reached my door and I asked him to set me down. He did and we looked at each other. He began to smile, and then let out a heavy sigh.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, just, I was supposed to go to a karaoke bar with my friends today, but I bumped into you, so I kind of blew them off. "he smiled and tried to play it off.

"I'm so sorry..."

"No! It's alright! Really, I'm glad I met you today, by the way... Can I, have your number?"

I looked at him for a second, then I nodded, I took his phone and put my number in it.

"Thank you for dropping me off, but won't your friends be mad? I can explain if you want."

"Nope, it's okay." he said as he began to walk off.

"But, don't you need them?" I hesitantly asked. With that, he stopped, and turned around. He ran back quickly to me, and gave me a kiss on the lips. It was warm, soft, and passionate. I felt myself melt a little. The kiss ended and he looked at me with a smile. He turned and began to walk off again.

"Ani!" He said.

"Eh, uh, But, Why not?!" I screamed, but I guess he didn't hear me, because he just kept on running down the path. After he disappeared out of my sight, I went inside. I went upstairs to my room and lay down on my bed.

"Waaaah, I'm so tired." I said as my phone buzzed. I flipped over to check my phone to see an unsaved number.

*I don't need them because I only need you. Sweet dreams (Y/N). <3*

After reading that text, I fell asleep peacefully, with a smile on my face.


Sorry the format is different, but my laptop isn't working, so I typed it up on my phone. Hope you still enjoyed, This oneshot was dedicated to Zoey9801_V17 so I really hope you liked it. Read, comment, vote and fan.


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