20 Worn Shoes (Infinite~Hoya Oneshot)

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Sorry I haven't updated in so long. School is killing me you guys, this oneshot is dedicated to my friend from school Marquelle, she also writes wattpad stories ad they're really good so you guys should check her out.


I hate the winter. It's too cold. The snow hurts my skin when it finds it's way into my coat. Ouch... my fingers are getting tighter and my nose is really runny. This isn't cute...

Just as I was complaining about my rather unseenly appearance I felt a figure brush up against my side. I took my hands away from my face for a moment to examine the person now beside me. He was looking ahead of him as if he wasn't invading my personal space. He looked cold. He was tall and had reddish brown hair, it was wavy. He had a blue plaid scarf on with a black button up coat and khaki pants. He had on snow boots but he was holding a pair of very torn up shoes in his hand. After examining him for a while, he let out a loud sigh and looked down at me. He smiled brightly. 

"Hey," he said to me in a calm, smooth voice. 

"Do I know you? Why are you so close?" I asked him.

"No you don't... but I see you walk around this park everyday. It's strange, sometimes I wanna come over and join you, because you look really out of it, but I stand my distance and keep walking," he told me while looking off into the distance. He picked up some snow off of the bannister and chucked it at the wall. He stopped walking and  looked over at me once more, "And just cause it's cold"  he said with a grin. I smiled in return.

"Then why're you here?" 

"Cause. You looked really cute. Couldn't have you walking around in the cold by yourself, so I thought I'd walk you home."

"Aw, that's sweet of you, uhmm..."

"Call me Hoya, you?"

"Oh thank you, and it's Marquelle, but I'm not going home."

"Wherever you're headed, I'll take you there. You know, if you don't mind."

"It's far, do you really not mind?"

"Course I don't, " He said as he scooped my schoolbooks out of my arms and extended his hand to me. I looked at it and smiled at his gesture. We joined hands and walked through the snowy sidewalk to the paved pathway. We walked for a while and made small talk. 

"So what;s with the shoes?" I asked him while we continued to walk.

"Oh, these?" He asked while picking up the shoes slightly. "These are just an old pair of shoes, I use them to dance, bu they're almost at their limit."

"That's a shame, you dance?"

"Yeah, I love dancing, it's my life. I hope I get signed before I finish high school."

"Oh, where do you wanna go?"

"Japan, I've always wondered what it's like to live out there you know?" He said with a chuckle as you guys neared your house. You smiled slightly and stopped in front of your door. 

"Well, I'll be leaving first, thanks again Hoya. It was nice talking with you."

"I thought you said you weren't going home you little liar, but it was great to finally talk to you too Marquelle, I'll see you again." 

"I hope so."  You said as you waved him off and turned around to head inside.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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