It Really is a Miracle (BAP~Daehyun Oneshot)

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Hey you guys, Enjoy the second oneshot.



You shut off the annoying alarm clock as you roll over to your side. You groan as the light peering through the blinds fills the room and hits your face. You reluctantly sit up straight in the bed and look around. What? As you look around you realize that this wasn't your room. It had sea foam green carpet, 2 big black dressers on either side of the room, a flat-screen T.V hung on one of the walls opposite from the king-sized bed with, wait what? Pororo bed-sheets? As you stop to examine the room, a voice comes in through the door on the far end of the room.

"Oh, you're finally up huh? Don't push yourself, you need to rest." says the calm, and considerate voice. You turn your head to face him and you see the most handsome boy you have ever seen. He has wavy, medium length, platinum blonde hair. He's wearing white and black plaid pajama pants and a plain white t-shirt. You look down to his feet to see beige slippers. You look back up to his beautiful face to see that he is now smiling at you. He shows you his pearly whites as his mouth, as well as his sparkling eyes, went up into big smiles. You feel a blush spread across your cheeks, for you have now realized that you are in his room, in H I S bed. He sees your face redden and he begins to laugh lightly.

"No don't worry. It's fine really. It's just, when I was walking home last night you were sitting on that bench barely awake. It was late and cold, and you didn't look too well, so I took you to my house just to make sure you were okay..." he told you with innocent eyes.

(Y/N) POV-

He looked at me with such innocent eyes. Aaaaw! He's so cute and he was really worried about me, I couldn't help but burst out into laughter. As I did he joined me and I motioned for him to sit down on the bed next to me, since he insisted that I wasn't well enough to get up.

"Thank you." I said with a sincere smile. This time he was the one who blushed.

"It was no problem at all; by the way, I'm Daehyun. And you are?"


"That's a nice name." he smiled at me which caused me to look down. However, once I looked down, I once again caught a glimpse of his Pororo bed sheets. I heard him gasp which caused me to look up at him. He was as red as a tomato as he grabbed his sheets and pulled them into his chest. I burst out into uncontrollable laughter and started rolling on my sides.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY! SO WHAT IF I STILL LIKE PORORO?!" he said with an embarrassed face. I felt a little bad for him, so I ceased my laughter.

"I'm not laughing at that, there's nothing wrong with it." I managed to say.


"Yeah, right!" he screamed as he attacked you into a wrestling match. You were giggling, laughing and yelling at each other to tap out. After a few more wrestling moves went by, you both stopped, heavily panting. He layed on top of you, propping himself up on his elbows. He looked at you and you looked at him. You both lay there for a while, just enjoying each other's company. Then he leans over to your ear and whispers,

"It really is a miracle to have you here in my life." with that he leaned back to see your face, gave you a sweet kiss on the forehead, and attacked you in a headlock for round 2.


How'd you like the chapter? This wasn't requested by anyone, I just decided to do it, so request one. So I don't have to do it all on my own. Read, vote, comment, and fan.

***PS- Pororo is a Korean cartoon character. He's a penguin who goes on adventures and stuff for kid shows


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