I Love You Too (SHINee~Minho Oneshot)

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The sun has been chased away by the moon. You lay in your bed, wide awake. As you stare at the ceiling , you occasionally glance at your phone. It's about 12:40 AM. You were waiting up for so long, because you were expecting someone to text you. You weren't sure who, it was a surprise, which is exactly what made you so eager to find out.


You walked into your homeroom class and took your normal seat in the back by the window. Except today, when you sat down, there was a note taped to the top of your desk. You looked around for a second and saw nothing suspicious, so you decided to proceed with opening the note. It read, "Annyeong, can I say a poem? I've been admiring you from afar. Peeking through doors that have been left ajar. To look at your beautiful face made me smile. I honestly haven't been this happy in a while. It's all thanks to your uncompatible beauty. No wonder I think you're a cutie ^__^ Please do not let my affection go to waste. I shall text you at 12 tonight, sorry for the haste! Love, Pabo :P" You read the note over again and smiled at the corniness. You neatly folded the note back up and placed it in your uniform pocket. You looked around once more to see no one looking over. Hence why, you continued to smile to yourself like an idiot.


You tossed and turned, now never taking your eyes off of your phone. After a while you decided to give up. It was now 1:24 AM. You let out a deep sigh and placed your phone back on it's charger. You reluctantly pulled yourself out of your bed, and walked to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth, and washed your face. As you walked back to your room, someone placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Yah, he didn't text you yet?" she asked.

"Ani. Eomma, why did I wait so long? Aish, now I'm soooo tired!" you said in return.

"The fact that you waited this long means that you like someone." she said with a sly smile.

"Yah eomma! I already told you a million times. I don't like anyone." you retorted.

"Mhm, you stayed up so long, because you were holding on to the thread of hope that it was Choi Minho..."


"Ahahahah, arasso, goodnight."

You walked back to your room and slumped onto your bed. You flung your phone onto the other side of your bed so that you could rest. After thinking about things for a second, you had a fit. You began messing up your hair and balling up the covers, while you were whisper-screaming.

"Ahhh. Is it really that obvious that I like Minho?"  you asked yourself.

"Ani! There's no way it's obvious. I haven't told anyone either. Not even my eomma..." you began to doze off in thought. Could it really be your crush Choi Minho who left you that note? You took the note off of your nightstand and read it over again. You held it against your chest and let out a heavy sigh.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I didn't know that you liked me." you heard a familiar voice say.

"M-m-m-mwo?! Who said th-that?" you asked hesitantly while you shot up from your bed. You heard laughing coming from your phone. You turned toward it to see that you were on a call with an un-saved number. You quickly went over to it, took it off speaker, and continued the call.

"Y-Yobosaeyo?" you asked.

"Ne, yobosaeyo (Y/N)-ah. I called you two times before, why didn't you pick up?"

"Who is this?"

"Apparently your crush."

You blushed and covered your face.

"Yah, hahahah, are you blusing? Why won't you say something?"

"Ani! I wasn't blushing. I was just thinking... but, you heard that?"

"Yeah, I heard you have a little temper tantrum too, haha. Gwenchana?"

"Aish, I'm so embarrased."

"Ani, don't be. I left you the note because I like you, remember? I'm really glad to know that the feeling is mutual." he said and it was then quiet. You thought for a second. That was right, he left you the note, because he wanted to tell you his feelings. You began to smile childishly and finally answered with a simple, "Oh..."

"Huh? That's all? You're not happy about this?" he asked jokingly.

"I am, it's just you haven't confessed to me yet..." you said teasingly.

"Ahhh, I understand. Ahem, (Y/N)-ah, I really like you. The way you help others, the way you carry yourself, and the way you participate in gym class even though all the other girls just sit out and gossip. I love it all. There's nothing to dislike about you, and I just really can't wait for the day that you can see that too. I hope that I can help speed up the process. I want to be the first thing you see in the morning. I want to be the person to make your day, everyday. I want to be your prince in SHINee armor. (Ah, see what I did there??? ;D) I really want to show you my affection instead of being all talk. I promise not to hurt you, and to only protect you and help you see sunny days. I want to spend my time with you, because I feel that when I'm with you, I can't possibly frown. (Y/N)-ah, what I'm trying to say is, I love you. I love you with everything I've got. And if that's not enough I can go borrow some from my neighbors. Please, will you be my girlfriend? he asked you with all of his heart. He now waited quietly on the other end of the line, waiting for your response. What did you do? You broke out into laughter and tried to cover it, but nothing worked. You laughed like there was no tommorrow. When you finally calmed down you felt bad thinking about how Minho must've felt after you laughed at his confession.

"Mianhe, jebal mianhe. It's just, I can't believe that this is happening right now." you said while wiping a tear away.

"It's okay." he said.

"Yes." you said.


"I said yes."

"I don't get i..... OHH! Really?!"

"Haha, yes really, why? Surprised?"

"Kind of. It's just that even though I like you everyone kept telling me that you had a crush on Jonghyun. So I was kind of expecting to be shot down."

"What?! No! I like you..."

"Huh? What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"I said I like you."

"You mean you love me?"




"Yes, what?"

You sighed into the phone.

"Say it. I said it. I love you (Y/N)-ah."

"I love you too Choi Minho." you smiled and you two talked until the sun came back into it's beautiful display.


Happy Fourth everyone. I hope you guys enjoy yourselves today. Go to see fireworks, have a cookout or a party. Well it's 1:20, so I'm going to start typing up the next chapter for My Pabo Prince Kai, and then go to sleep. Goodnight you guys, make sure to read, comment, vote and fan. 


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