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this one goes out to my homie fergie


i need to S T O P




What's your favorite rout of Undertale? Pacifist, No Mercy, or Neutral? Why? What's your least favorite?


Mine is the Pacifist rout. The whole thing makes me so happy, and it makes me feel like I can actually have control over things. Also, a lot of people I've talked to who have played it without spoilers, just the knowledge that they should make sure nobody dies, say that they've come out of it thinking a little differently.

I can't stand no mercy, it makes me so sad, and after I watch or try and play it I always feel so bad and guilty. A lot of this story is my thoughts on playing it. I don't think anything good can come out of it. And the rout you can take where you only kill Papyrus makes me SO FUCKING MAD how could you people do that to Sans.


Enjoy this chapter! <3 Much love.


{your p.o.v.}


"(Y/n)." Someone is gently patting your cheeks. It's a cold hand, so you flinch away. You open your eyes and meet Sans'. He doesn't look too worried. You realize this has happened countless times, so now it's almost a regular occurrence. Soon you're just going to fall dead and everyone around you is going to shrug about it. Because hey, (y/n) sure likes to pass out.

The vision comes flooding back. It stopped before you could learn the monster's name. You find yourself more than mad about that. Frankly, you're fucking pissed. But you learned something from that vision. If that was truly the first timeline, that means you're not bad. The monster had said you weren't violent.

Your true nature wasn't to hurt people.

You want to cry at this point.

It's such a huge breakthrough for you. Basically, it's all you've worried about. But things aren't really cleared up yet. How do you know if you were just tricking the monster? How do you know that eventually, you didn't hurt others?

You don't.

Your search is not over.

Cruelty was something in your past, and you have to know why.

"Did you see that one?" You ask Sans, and he shakes his head no. Which is weird, because every single one you've had with him is usually shared. He doesn't seem confused, though. Sans seems to be just rolling with the punches at this point. You're ninety percent sure he's probably screaming on the inside.

Sans helps you off of the cold floor of Mettaton's lobby. You grab your stick from the ground at your feet. The feeling of being safe washes over you. That stick is just something you feel you need at this point. Without it you feel empty and devoid of protection. It's like the feeling you get when you're away from Sans.

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