I don't care: Still don't care.

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I feel like shit because of things go on in my life but I feel even worse for the people going through something worse.

Like seriously? Why do people have such shit lives they don't deserve?

None of you deserve that much and I wish you all the best.

This title is ironic because I'm saying I care about you guys, which is true, but I'm going to be honest, I ignore my own problems.

I stuff them down and help everyone else because I don't fucking know. And even though my problems feel really petty I don't really know I guess. It's so much easier to try to help all of you because I've been there in some form.

No I'm not a fucking saint in fact I'm nowhere near close but I really relate to you guys. I don't feel like shit all the time, but right now I do. I really feel like beating down walls and it's funny cause I feel like crying but I'm not.

I'm not even going to tell whatever the fuck this is right now. But yeah I needed to talk about my problem of not telling my problems.

A lot of people struggle with it but I can tell you it hurts to let it sit there and just to wait until you crack. It's driving me crazy but fuck I don't care.

I just don't give a flying fuck.

I'm just sick of all of it, pretending like I really don't care about this.

Why the fuck do we have so many problems?

I just want to figure this out and I want you guys to figure out yours and maybe things can get better for all of us one day.

I'm sick of people having bullshit lives just please someone allow us to get a good change.

Yeah this rant was weird but I don't care. Sorry.

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