The Plan ~ Step 1

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The plan to get Turles and Broly back together was absolutely insane. No sane person would do what Goku....Kakarot, and Vegeta was about to do. But they had no choice. They had to. So, before you see the plan in action, let's go over what's going to happen.

The Plan...

Step 1: Get Turles to take the bait laid out for him.

Step 2: Lead him to a janitor's closet and lock him in there.

Step 3: Locate and bait Broly to come to the same closet area.

Step 4: When Broly opens up the closet, releasing Turles, lock that entire hallway down and keep all people, students and staff, from going to that hallway.

Step 5: Step back and watch. And no matter what happens. You can not, CAN NOT OPEN THE DOOR!

That plan could get them all suspended or get them all hurt. But they had help their friends.


Step 1: Get Turles to take the bait laid out for him.


Kakarot was walking through the hallways, looking at his objective. Trying to find Turles.

'Where the hell can you him find?'

Kakarot looked around one more time before giving up and turning to go back to class. Walking right into his target subject: Turles.

"Hey! Look where tha fuck....You!!!" Turles spit with so much venom it made Kakarot flinch.

"Hey. Turles, I was thinking maybe we could be friends again." Kakarot said looking down.

"After all you fucking put me through. No! There is no way in hell we will ever ever be friends again. Why don't you just go back to your fuck buddy Chichi, Goku!"

"Don't...don't call me that."

"Why? Are you scared people will think we're sexing each other? Goku."

"Turles. I'm serious. Stop it."

"So am I. Goku."

"You got one more gan to fucking call me that."


Kakarot's fist connected to Turles face faster than you can blink. Turles was in much of a state of shock as Kakarot. It was Kakarot who lost his shock first. And when his brain finally sent the message through his nervous system, he bolted.

Turles, coming back to his own sense, ran after him.

'He hit me. He fucking hit me. He promised me he would never hurt me that...that we were brothers. But he hit me.' Turles thought as he ran through the hall way.

'Oh, Turles your too fucking naïve. I can't believe you actually believed him. Shame on you. You were better off with Majin anyway. Majin takes care of you. Majin loves you. Majin cares for you.'

'He cares enough to rape, beat, and literally piss and spit on you every time you do something wrong. If that's what Majin Buu's love is like tell him he can have that shit back.'

Turles continued to run as the Devil and Angel battled in his head. He turned to corner into the D hallway. As he turned the corner he ran smack dab into the object of his still burning affection. Broly.

Broly had on jeaned shorts the had been cut and they were only about an inch, at most, from showing his ass. His shirt looked as it had been ripped and torn. And the look in Broly's eye, Turles knew all to well. Broly had just been raped.

Before Turles could even think his mouth moved on it's own.

"Who? Who...who touched you? Who did this to you, Broly?" Turles said.

"Why should it tell you?! What's it matter anyway? Nobody cares about me. So you can stop pretending that you do." Broly said standing up, walking to the double doors that lead to the only sit of the D hallway. Only to discover, it was locked.

And around the corner was the two people he seemed to hate the most. Kakarot and Vegeta. All four of them in the same hallway. With no way out.

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