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"Mom!" I said still kind of embarrassed she had caught me sitting on Alex.

"What its true, Rosy. I hope you treat my daughter well Alpha Alexander." Mom said going from joking to deadly serious.

"Of course I will Queen Crystal. With all due respect I would never hurt your daughter. She is after all my mate and Luna and my princess." Alex said with nothing but sincerity in his voice.

"Good because if you did my husband would most likely hunt you down and.......I think you know the rest." Mom said with a threatening look.

*Gulp* "Y-yes my Queen. I-I know what would happen and I assure you that I would never ever hurt her on purpose. “He said stuttering and gulping very loudly

“Good I was just making sure you knew what would happen if you did." Mom said with a smirk.

"Mom! Stop scaring my mate away. I just found him! Anyways we have better things to do. Like help heal all the injured and get them all out of this cave thingy." I said looking at my mother with an annoyed and serious expression.

"Fine I was just messing with him. Just because I am a Queen does not mean I can’t be fun. It doesn't always have to be seriousness and members.I can joke around too." Mom said raising up her hands in a (no harm done way.)

"Yeah but not if you scare my mate away! Now apologize to him." I said taping my foot impatiently.

"Okay okay, young lady do not raise your tone with me.I am your mother and Queen you will respect me.But I guess I was a little too harsh and scary." She said then turning to look at Alex who had been watching us with a kind of confused look and said "Alpha Alexander Northwind I am sorry if I scared you.I was just joking my husband would never kill you if you harmed our little princess. Maybe torture you but not kill you." Mom said with a sheepish smile and then a smirk.

"Mom!" I yelled looking at mom with a really look.

"Okay, fine. I He wouldn't do anything to you.I just thought that since he is not here I should you know take his fatherly place and say what he would say." She said with a sheepish look.

Suddenly Alex just bursts out laughing and says "Wow Rosy your mother for a Queen is very funny. Kind of scary, but I like her."

"Really?" I said confused but then smiled and said "Well yeah so that was my mom to you.Queen and sometimes the jokester." I said also laughing.

Author's Note

Sorry I have not updated in a while i have been busy. And also sorry that this chapter was so short I will try and update tomorrow just had to update to day on such short notice because of three people who commented on my last chapter. Thank you very much to them. It really means a lot to me when people comment. Anyways see ya here again tomorrow. Bye now.

Luv you guys.






Found my mate, in a zombie apocalypse!(Warning~Slow Updates,bear with me)Where stories live. Discover now