Oh The Love Of Mates and Wolfs

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Once everyone in the pack who had been hurt in the attack's injuries were cured I told Alex were we were going and he decided to have a pack meeting and tell them all there where we were going and to present me as the Luna.

Oh I hope they like me Roxy what if they don’t? What if they think im not good enough to be Luna? What if...if. They think I am a stuck up princess or ....something..? Ughhh what will I do if they don’t accept us Roxy?

Calm down Rosy you are a princess their princess and Future Queen they will accept you! Plus our mate accepted us and they will too. I bet they won’t like you, they will love you! They better love you because if not i will be really mad cause you are my best friend, and nobody disrespects my human!

Hehe calm down it’s our pack we can’t hurt them and I love you too plus who else would be your best friend dummy you’re in my head it’s not like you can meet people!

Ha well then I see how it is wayyyy to rub it in my face that you get all the fun and Im here forever alone in your head! Hmphhh humans these days no respect for their wolfs!

Hahaha I was just joking plus we can both be forever alone! Yayyyy! Hahaha-

"Rosy baby girl, are you okay Hello, Rosy!!!"

"Huh" I said coming back to reality and looking around to see a worried looking Alex staring at me and waving a hand in front of my face.

"Were you saying something to me or....do you just like waving your hand in my face?" I asked with a cheeky smile pretending like I hadn’t zoned out on him to talk with my wolf.

"Hahah very funny, yes I do actually enjoy my and being in your face. But really I was saying, before you rudely zoned out on me, that its almost time to go meet the pack!"

"Oh hehe sorry I was talking with Roxy she can be such a sarcastic she wolf sometimes. But she helps me calm down when im worried and nervous." I said thinking of my wolf, Roxy.

"It’s okay and why are you worried and nervous. Is it something I did?" he asked with an adorable concerned expression.

Alex's POV(I know Yay!!)

Found my mate, in a zombie apocalypse!(Warning~Slow Updates,bear with me)Where stories live. Discover now