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Alex and I went to go meet his pack.I was kinda nervous but then again Im a princess for goodness sackes i need to woman up.Im Roslyn Silverstone  daughter of the King and Queen,the Chosen one, I am NOT nervous.Ive never in my life been scared of anything, but I guess meeting my mates pack makes me scared.I sucked it up and walked on with Alex with my head held high.Once we finally got to were his pack was I was less nervous especially since Alex was holding my hand.

"Pack!I have some one very important I would love for you guys to meet.This here is Princess Roslyn,The Chosen One,My Mate, an your Luna," Alex said in his Alpha voice his eyes filled with pride to call me his mate. "I hope you all welcome her and make her feel at home.Thats it your dismmissed.Oh,wait! Guys also i better not see any of you trying to flirt with her."Alex stated looking at all the guys who were checking me out who imidatedly averted their eyes causing me to start laughing.

'Dismissed' Alex said before turning and giving me a strange look,seeing me laughing with tears in my eyes.

'Um,are you okay Roslyn?" Alex asked still looking at me weridly.

"Yes,sorry, should have seen there faces.They looked like they were gonna pee themselves when you looked at them for looking at me."I said still laughing but finally calming down.

Alex was at first confused then realized thats what i found so funny. "Okay, fine it was actually funny,I think one of them did actually pee though." Alex said laughing at the end.

"Now come one I want to introduce you to my best friend and the others.' Alex said pulling me by my hand and dragging  me to who knows were.

"Hey Alex over here dude" some guy said waving us over.

"Hey Ry,whats up?"Alex said to his friend.

"Nothing i just got back from patroling the perimeter.So whose the chick arent you gonna introduce us." The guy said sending me a wink,making Alex grab me by the waist and pull me towards him.

"This chick has a name and its Roslyn, and she is my mate and your Luna,so stop trying to hit on her,or I will hurt you Ryan."Alex said with and angry look.

"Calm down I was just messing with you I can tell she is your mate.No need to get all mister possesive," Ryan said "Anyways Im Ryan,this possesive guys beta,and best friend.Its nice to meet you Luna" Ryan said turning to me and shaking my hand

"Nice to meet you to Ryan,please call me Rosy though not Luna I get alot of that at home."I said shaking Ryan's hand.

"At home?What do you mean,wait a minute,you look really familiar do I know you?" Ryan said looking at me and confusion.

I looked over at Alex who had an amused look the whole time, and who at one seeing Ryan's face started laughing,making me laugh as the poor guy looked at us with a weird expression.

"Hmmm,no I dont think so,might be the fact that some people think I look like that famous model I forgot her name though." I say with a smirk,looking at Alex who is now full out laughing.

"Whats up with him," Ryan says looking over at Alex with a "what the crap?" "I guess your right wait a minute,no way,you look exactly like princess Roslyn," Ryan states bewildered,staring at my grinning face "Dude,dont tell me your mate is actually THE Red Rosy" He says to Alex who is now just chuckling and nodding at his friend.

"Yes Ryan,is it so hard to believe that my mate could be the princess?" Alex asks with amusment.

"You guys do know Im still here right,gosh,no need to talk about me like Im not just standing here.Anyways yes Im the princess and sorry to say this but I have to go check up on my mother." I say about to walk away.

"Wait!Your saying the QUEEN is here.Since when,gosh its like i always miss everything Im the beta and nobody told me anything."Ryan says clearly upset.

"Whoops,I guess I forgot to mention it.Sorry dude."Alex says apologizing with a sheepish look patting his friend on the back.

"Hey how bout you come with us to meet my mother,and you can meet my friends.You know the twins,Nicholas and Cassandra, the trouble twins., whatever you know them by.Lets just go." I said grabbing Alex and pulling him.

"Okay, sure," Ryan said following closely behind.

Authors note

Hey sorry i havent update in awhile but someone drew me a picture of Rosy and It made me want to update even though i was busy I decided to give you guys a small chapter.So i hope you guys enjoyed it.the drawing of Rosy is on the side~~~~~~~~~~>

anyways im sorry once again for long wait anyways for next update question should Ryan be cassandra's mate or what?




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