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Let US begin.

Today, I want to talk about living in the world. MY children live in the world, but do not need to be “of the world.”

The world is an enmity to ME. I am disgusted with its overwhelming evil.

Children you can walk among those of the world without partaking of the things of the world. The world will lead you down paths of destruction and heartache.

I am your only source of wholeness, peace, and calm. Do not turn to the world for direction. You will only be misled. You must turn to ME for direction. Cling to ME in this vital hour. I hold all your answers.

I want to spare you sadness and grief, but you must turn your life over to ME in completion - only then can I take it and deliver you.

You can walk safely in the world and not be affected by its lures but you need ME to walk by your side. I can lead you through the endless distractions the world puts out to lead you astray and pull you away from ME.

I want you to focus on ME. Keep your eyes fixed on ME, your SAVIOR. I am your door to safety. All other doors lead to destruction. Don’t be deceived and take your eyes off of ME. I offer hope in a world that offers none.

O’ it appears to be hopeful, but what looks normal is deceiving.

These are the last hours. The world is in the end times. The world seems so convincingly normal, but all is not so - it is leading to the path of destruction.

Soon many will find this out too late. Open your eyes. The world offers only false hope.

Let ME Lead you. Surrender your life to ME. I will open your eyes with MY HOLY SPIRIT and you will be renewed and see things the way they really are and then you will see the Truth.

Only MY HOLY SPIRIT can open your spiritual eyes that so deceive you about the ways of the world. I am ready to give you the spiritual eye salve to help this transformation take place. You have but to ask ME for it.

Surrender your life, heart, soul, spirit, and let ME give you the sight you need to navigate safely through the world…

Supporting Scriptures:
James 4:4
Psalms 25:15
Revelation 3:18


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