Chap3-Moving In

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[One week later]

*Hana's POV*
Today is the day...
MonstaX will move into this house..
I get up and took a long shower..

Went down with just wearing a white tee and shorts...

I helped Mira who is cooking lunch..
Until I heard the house bell..

I opened the door and welcomed them in..
Yes..They are here..

All of them greeted me with a warm smile except for that Wonho guy..
He scanned me from top to the bottom,smirked and whispers "I like what you're wearing today..You should wear this more often.."

Wtf! Gosh he's a perv!
I can't believe that I will be living with him for the next..what? 4? 10 years?

"Lunch is ready!"Mira shouted from the kitchen..

We walked to the kitchen..
Suddenly,I felt something weird is happening...
I turned around and saw that Wonho is scanning my back...


As we're eating,Mira stood up

Mira:Shit! I'm late! Guys I'm going! Hana-ah help me with the dishes...
Hana:No problemo!
Minhyuk:Where are you going?
Mira:Seoul Fashion Week!
Hyungwon:I'm going there too! Wait for me! I'll drive!
ShowNu:Whose car are you going to use?
Hyungwon:Yours! Bye! Mira,Let's go!
I.M:Annyeong Hyung! Annyeong Noona!

They left the house and now I'm alone with 6 guys.

Jooheon:Who wants to bet?
Hana:About what?
Jooheon:That Hyungwon and Mira will be together..
Kihyun:Stop doing your betting shit..Continue eating..

After finished our lunch,I went to do the dishes..
"Let me help you."
Guess who?
Yes.Shin Hoseok.

"Thanks,but no."
I said continuing what I'm doing..

This guy is just...

After doing the dishes,I went and show MonstaX their rooms..


They were all satisfied by the rooms..

Wonho:Can't I just sleep at your room and let Mira sleep at this room with Hyungwon?
Hana:Sure...No prob..
Hana:Yeah...If you feel like dying before debuting.
Jooheon:I never seen Wonho hyung being burned by a girl before..

I smirk and went into my room..

*Wonho's POV*
Did she just burned me?
So..Baek Hana,you're trying to play hard to get isn't it?

I'll make sure that you'll fall into my hand..One day...

After they unpacked all of their things,they went to the entertainment to practice...
They have only 1 month and a half to debut so they have to practice harder...


This chap is a bit short..
Mian Mian...

So..I'll repay it for the next chap...

Peace out!

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