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*the next day*

Everyone thinks that Hana is still in China but nahh..
She's back in South Korea..
She was given a leave because of her fractured thumb..
She insist on staying but the members of GOT7 asked her to go back..
So she did...

She arrived at Incheon Airport..
Went straight to collect her luggage and past through the emigration..

She then took a cab to the house..
When she arrived home,
MonstaX wasn't there..

*Hana's POV*

Why is it so quiet?
It's only 10 in the morning..
Where are they?

If they say that they're at the studio I won't believe it...
They never been to the studio early in the morning.
If it's not 11 or 12 they won't leave the house..

I'm just gonna take a shower and change into something comfortable..

I went upstairs carrying this heavy luggage of mine..

I shouldn't bring so many clothes..
I only get to wear half of it..

I went in the bathroom and took a quick shower before wearing some comfortable clothes.

It's nearly 11..
I'm just gonna buy lunch for everyone..
By the time I arrive at the studio,it'll be nearly 12..
What should I get them?

Fast food?
Too much calories..

That's a kind of fast food Baek Hana.

I know..
I'm gonna get food from the restaurant that Hoseok brought me..

Where is the car keys..

Found it!

I went downstairs and open the front door..

I lock the house and get it the car..

Seatbelt on.
I started the engine and drive straight to the restaurant...

*Hana's POV*

I got of the car and opens the door to the restaurant..

"Annyeong haseyo.."
I greeted the owner..

"Aahh Hana-ah..I haven't seen you for a long time.."
The owner gave Hana a friendly hug before letting her go..

"I just went back from China Imo.. I wanted to order some foods for the members.."
I said and the owner asked me to sit before bringing out the menu..

She sat in front of me waiting to list down my order..

When I remembered that I don't even know the owner's name..

"Aahh..Imo.. I haven't know your name.."
I said shyly..

She giggled and said..
"My name is Lee JungMi.."

"Imo..Can you help me with the order? I don't really know what they like to eat here.."
I said and she replied..

"Sure..Okay starting from the eldest.. Hyunwoo..He likes Naengmyeon.."

"Naengmyeon..Okay..Ahh..For Hoseok oppa I'll take the lunch I ramyeon.."
I said and she smiled..

"That's his favourite..Okay.. Kihyunnie and Changkyun.. Samgyetang.."

"Minhyuk oppa..Jjampong."

"Jjampong..Who else? Oh! My son. Jooheon.. Kimchi Fried Rice.."

"Hyungwon oppa?"

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