Chap17.Hong Kong

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"Okay everybody..We will arrive at our first destination in a few minutes so please wake your partners up if they're asleep."

Jackson said through the microphone provided in the bus..

"Jackson hyung! What's our first destination?"

Jungkook asked and Jackson smiled..

"My house."

He said and gets a loud sigh from the members..

"Why are you sighing?"
Mira asked Jaebum and Jinyoung answered..

"We've been to Hong Kong 10 times."

"And?" Mira continues asking.

"We've been to Jackson's house 10 times."

Mark blurted out..

"Aaaahhhh so Jackson oppa's house is a must when it comes to Hong Kong?"

Hana asked and all of the members nods..

"Hey look at the bright sight. My mom is a great cook."

Jackson said proudly and the members agreed...

*arrives at Jackson's house*

Jackson's parent greeted all of them as soon as they went in the house..

He introduced everyone except for GOT7..

"Take a sit.. I'll get the snacks ready.."

Mrs.Wang said before going to the kitchen..

Hana and Mira followed her to the kitchen.

*hana and mira speaking in mandarin*

Hana:Aunty..Do you need any help..
Mrs.Wang:No no no..I can do it myself..
Mira:We feel bad for not helping..
Mrs.Wang:Okay okay.. Can you help me to take out the plates and mugs in that cabinet?
Hana:Yes Maam..
Mrs.Wang:Maam? Hhheeyy.. Hana and Mira right?
Mira:You remembered us?
Mrs.Wang:You guys were at most of their concerts..How can I not remember.
Hana:I'm touched..
Mrs.Wang:Aaiisshh this girl.. Because both of you can speak Chinese the best..
Mira:Aaahh..There's a reason..

After setting up the snacks they brought it to the living room and put it on the coffee table..

Jackson gets up from the sit and asked his mom to sit..

"I wanted to prepare lunch but Jackson insists not to."
Mrs.Wang said and GOT7 nods plus the girls..

"Aunty said..She wanted to prepare lunch for all of us but Jackson said not to.."
Jaebum translate Mrs.Wang's words .

Mrs.Wang gets up from the chair and went to the TV..

She then puts in a CD..

She went back to her seat and click the button on the remote..

*Jackson childhood moments playing*

Jooheon:Hyung! You're so cute..
Hana:I guess how many times GOT7 have to see this video.
Youngjae:Ten.Ten times..
Jackson:*Chinese* Mummy why did you play this video? T.T
Mrs.Wang:I wanted to show your friends your childhood..
Hana:The sexy charismatic member of GOT7 everyone.
Jackson:*hits Hana's shoulder* I still got your derp photos..
Hana:I have yours *merong*

*video ends*

They talked and talked when..

"Hana-ah..Are you and that guy in a relationship? Because you are wearing the exact same thing as him.."

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