Chapter 23

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Ms. Morose P.O.V

I walked in, hoping everything would go smoothly. He turned to look at me then scoffed. I looked down only so he couldn't see my anger. You don't scoff at an adult. It's rude.

"Yeah? Well, you kinda deserve it." he said.

I must have been talking aloud and didn't notice.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I'm here to see my daughter." I said stiffly.

"Why? It's not like you've been here the past four days." he stated.

"I know. I've been busy." I responded quickly.

"You've been busy? Your only daughter is in a coma and you haven't been here because you've 'been busy?' She's not even my sister and I've been here. Paul and her hardly know each other and he's been here and he's cried way more than you have. Yet you have the nerve to say the you've been busy rather than seeing your daughter? Not to be rude, but you don't really belong here." he snapped.

A little taken aback by his words I quickly snapped back, "You have some nerve. You're just a kid. You hardly know my daughter. You probably don't even know what her favourite colour is or what her middle name is. You're just some boy she's been obsessed with for awhile. I've been her mother since she was born. I've been there for her when you didn't even know she existed. This is my daughter and I'm going to visit her when I want. So, I think you should leave."

"I probably know her better than you! You haven't been here Ms. Morose. Paul and I have. And when she wakes up, I'll still be here. I'll be in this hospital praying that she'll come back. But, because you're her mother, I'll leave for a little so you can explain why you were 'busy' to her. Oh yeah! And by the way, her favourite colour is Periwinkle and her middle name is Rose." he said as he walked out.

Jacks P.O.V

Today was my last chance. Sarah and I had talked to our uncle and he told us what we had to do. All I had to do was talk to someone. Maybe getting out of here would be easier than I thought.

"All you have to do is talk to him. Explain why you need to get out. Why you have to get out. And then hopefully he'll accept." my uncle said.

I learned that his name was Jack also. Maybe I was named after him? I'll have to ask.

"Okay, and where do I find him?" I asked.

"He'll be in your room. Waiting." he said slowly.

Sarah grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I looked over at her and she gave me a reassuring smile. One in which I needed. I nodded my head and we left for my room.

"What if he doesn't let go back? What if I'm stuck here? What if I can't ever see Danny again? What if I can never see Paul again? What would happen to my mom?" I rambled on.

"Stop overthinking it. He won't say no. You're going back. I know it." she said reassuringly.

We walked into my room together, refusing to let go. That's when we saw him. The man that stood in front of us was him. He had shaggy brown hair and was a tall broad man. His face was shaped like a square and he had bushy eyebrows. He kind of reminded me of the Burger King man.

"I've been waiting for you." he said in a deep voice.

"Lovely. Good thing we're here." I said nervously.

He let out a slight chuckle and my grip around Sarah's hand tightened.

"Well, why do you think you should go back?" he asked like an interview person.

"I don't think I should go back, I know I should. See this boy in here?" I said pointing to where Danny normally sits.

"Uhm. That's not a boy. That's a lady." he said.

I turned around to see my mom. I ran over to her and noticed she looked like she had a hangover. I haven't seen her the entire time I was here.

"Mom?" I whispered.

"Hey doll. I know I haven't been here since you came in here. I know. I've been busy. Busy enough to where I couldn't see you. You know I love you very much but I can't just drop everything for you. I honestly hope you can forgive me." she said.

I looked at her, awestruck. She hasn't cried at all. She cries about everything. Well, everything except for me I guess. Just when I was about to say something, Danny came barging in.

"Get out! I know for a fact that you don't belong here! My dad just told me what you did! God! How selfish can you be?" he yelled.

"I'm going to tell her. That is, if she ever wakes up." she said.

"Just get out. I don't want you to be here when she wakes up." he said rudely.

My mother just simply nodded her head and walked out.

"That's why." I said.

I turned around and looked at the man.

"That's why I need to go back. They need me. And I need them. I need to go back to them." I said pointing towards Danny.

"And what about Sarah? Or Jack? I'm sure they said the same things." he said. "What makes you so different?"

"I-I don't know. But what I do know is that he can't go on much longer. Look at him, he's a broken mess. He needs me and I need him." I said.

"What is he to you?" the man asked.

"He's the one I love." I said without hesitation. "But he can never know that because our parents are to be married soon, and he will be my stepbrother and I will be perfectly fine with that, as long as I have him." I said.

"Jack, I know you're here. Please talk to me." Danny blurted out of nowhere.

"I told you, I need him and he needs me." I stated one last time.

"No." the man said.

"No? No what?" I asked shakily.

"I'm not letting you go back." the man said.

Longer chapter....expect more updates ;)

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