Chapter 33

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I woke up the next morning on top of him. Not like on his arm or something, no. I was literally on top of him. His breathing was moving me up and down on his chest like a festival ride. But a calming festival ride. Oh my god what am I saying? Here I am, literally on top of a kid I've been in love with for the past five years. And I'm comparing him to a festival ride.

His eye lids fluttered open and his ocean blue eyes stared back at me. I smiled and whispered a soft good morning. He smiled and softly pecked my lips.

"Good morning, Love." he whispered.

I giggled slightly and covered my face.

"Well don't do that." he said grabbing my hands.

I tried to cover my face in his chest but he continued to lift my face.

"Jack, stop it." he said lightly.

I allowed myself to look up at him. A faint smile appeared on my face as his thumb traced across my chin.

"You're beautiful. Don't ever forget that." he whispered as he softy kissed my nose.

I blushed and tried to cover my face again but he lifted my chin again.


"You guys should film a video." Paul stated in the middle of dinner.

Once again, my mom wasn't home. I think she was avoiding me due to the previous conversation we had on the phone. I tried calling her multiple times, but she didn't answer. I would get sent to voicemail after about two or three rings. I didn't know where she was staying. She broke up with Danny's dad and Danny told me that his dad said that he had no clue where she was and didn't really care. She may have thrown me away but I still love her. She still raised me to the person I am today.

"I'm down with it. Jack?" Danny asked.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over to him.

"Mhm." I mumbled quietly.

"Alright! Well, wanna start recording after dinner?" he asked.

I slightly nodded my head and continued playing with my food. Danny said something but I didn't understand him so I just responded with a yeah. I couldn't tell if he said another thing or if Paul said something. Danny grabbed my plate and Paul grabbed my arm. Paul dragged me to the other room.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

"My mom." I whispered as Danny walked in.

"Jack." Danny said quietly.

"She won't answer and nobody knows where she is." I cried.

Danny pulled me into a tight hug and Paul did the same.

"We'll find her." Paul whispered.

"But for now, let's go play some funny video games and get ready to record." Danny said and kissed my cheek.

"And maybe we can invite Ally over?" Paul suggested.

"Does someone have a crush?" Danny asked in a sing song voice.

"No." Paul blushed.

"You so do." I sniffled.

"Okay, maybe I do. But she doesn't like me back." he stated.

"Are you serious? She's crazy about you!" I stated.

"Really? Cause I don't think anyone could actually like Paul." Danny said, putting emphasis on like.

"You're so mean." I giggled and hit his chest.

"Well it's true!" he defended.

"No, it's not." I said looking over at a smiling Danny. "You just have to make the first move. Ask her to a movie or something."

"Well, what do you suggest." he asked.

"Well, since you don't really know her that well-"

"Oh I do. We talked a lot when she came to visit you in the hospital." he said, cutting me off.

"Oh! Well, then take her to play mini golf! She loves mini golf." I told him.

"Okay. That sounds like fun." he nodded his head. "So, Danny, what did you ask her to do with you?"

"Nothing." I said jokingly annoyed.

"Oh yeah! I forgot that part." he said and turned to me. "Jack? Will you go see the new Star Wars with me then afterwards we can both get lightsabers?"

I giggled and nodded my head. "Yes, Danny. I will."

He smiled and gave me a proper kiss but it was soon interrupted by Paul making a vomit sound.

"Can you guys get a room?" he asked playfully.

"We have one thanks. But I can get one for you and Ally?" I played back.

"Oh. Okay I see. Well good. Now I can kick your butt in Starwal and not feel bad about it!" he said running to the couch.

"Not before I kick Danny's!" I yelled back, chasing after him.

"Um, you're all gonna lose!" Danny yelled behind me.


longerish chapter? Sorry for the long wait. I've been really busy with school and I've been sick a lot in the last two weeks. but I must say something, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1K READS! HOLY CRAPPLES! THAT'S AMAZING! I cannot believe this book became even somewhat popular. I have to warm you ahead of time, you're gonna hate me in the end. One of my closest friends thinks she knows the ending but she doesnt have a clue. *cue evil laugh* did i use the correct cue? anyhow, I'll try to update more today but I cant promise anything. Love you guys lots! BYez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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