Chapter 7

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Ariana POV

I am now skipping my class before lunch.If I want the plan to go well, I have to skip the class.I was thinking if I should bring Adam with me or I should just go and get the stuff alone.Screw that...I should just go with the first choice.I put my books in my locker before grabbing my backpack and slung it over my shoulder.

I walk towards Adam classroom and texted him.

'Hey Adam! Are you in class?'

A few seconds later, I got a text back from Adam.

'Hey Baby Girl! Yup in class right now...why you missed me?'

Oh come on! Changing nick name again are we.But I don't know why but I kind of like the sound of it. Snap out of it Ariana! I texted him back.

'We are going to get the stuff and plan some stuff for Isabelle and Dylan! Just come out!'

I got a text back with an ok.I waited for 3 minutes and to be honest with you guys, I am getting impatient.I mean by like is getting out of the class take that long? I decided that the more I stand here the more time is wasted.So I decided to went in the classroom.I accidentally swing the door open way to hard.Anyways, I saw that all eyes were on me.

I saw that Adam was standing with his backpack and was near the teacher table.

Adam POV

After the text I got from Ariana, I quickly grab my bag and stood up.I was walking towards the door when Mr Wilson stop me.All eyes were on me.

"Where do you think you are going Mr Carter?"

"Out Mr Wilson!"I exclaimed.I am actually very excited.Not about Dylan and Isabelle but Ariana.

"Not so fast! For what may I ask?"he asked.
"Because someone need my help?"I said
"And who will that be?"he asked again.GOD!This teacher is getting on my nerve.
"My girlfriend! Is there a problem Mr Wilson!"I answered.Even though it is a lie, I wish she was mine.Before he could say anything,the door swing open.I look towards the door and saw Ariana.She looks towards me and smile.

When she saw Mr Wilson, she frown. Told you! Nobody like that damn teacher.Ariana walks towards me and grab my hand.

"His with me Mr Wilson,"Ariana said.
"Told you my girlfriend needed my help,"I scoff.Ariana slap my chest and said shut up.While she was pulling me, Mr Wilson stop her.

"I will give you both detention even if you are not from my class!"He said.
"And I will make sure you lose your job if you don't shut up!"Ariana yelled while pulling me.When we reach outside, she was still holding my hand.I let it be as it was really comfortable.It's like it was meant to be there.We walk to my car and her hand was still holding mine.

I smirk and hold her closer.She realised what was happening and let go of my hand.Her hair was covering her face but I know that she is blushing.Aww she looks cute.I open my car door for Ariana.She went in and sat at the passsenger seat.

"Okay so we are going to the mall!"She said.I just nodded my head and start driving.
"I know that we are going to the mall but I still don't know the plan?"I asked.
"Oh...yah...I the plan is...we are going to go to the mall to buy some stuff for Isabella,"she said while smiling.I just nodded.

20 minutes later

When we reach there, I park my car at the parking lot and I went out.I saw Ariana standing outside the car patiently probably waiting for me to lock my car.We walk inside and we went to a shop where they sell balloon.We bought at least 8 string of balloons.Thank God beside the balloon shop is the flower shop.

" now that we have buy the balloons and flower, next is victorious shop!"She exclaimed.I just smile at her on how excited she is.We went in the shop and she bought alot of clothes.Then she dragged me to go to vans and she bought alot of hats and shirt and pants.

"Okay baby girl! I think that is enough we only have 30 minutes left,"I said.She just smile at me and we went back towards the car.

"We have to go to Target,"She said.I nodded and drive us there.Thank god that Target is a 5 minutes drive to the the mall and school.

When we get off, she pulled me straight after I lock the door. We went in and I follow her.She went to the candy section and grab two box of chocolate before grabbing a gummy bears,gummy snake,twizzlers,M&M's and three pack or gum.Wow that all for Isabelle.That's alot

I offer to pay for the candy and drive us back to school.

"Ok so lets take all the stuff that we needed before going in,"She suggest.
"Yeah sure...Wow spent all that for Isabelle?"I asked.She look at me and give me the 'you kidding me right?' look.

"No silly...the one box of chocolate, balloons and flower is all of Isabelle,"she answered.
"The rest is mine,"she continue while laughing.Wow this girl must really love candy and clothes.I laugh along with her.
Sorry about not publishing any new chapter for almost 3 months!But here is a new chapter...hope u like it!

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