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Hi! Please hear me out before you exit this. I have made a new story called Focus, it is a romance book and I'm 100% sure you'll love it. It's about a girl who's reached her peak and limit in life, she's fed up of everything that's going around. So she does what any teenager might of once thought of doing- sneaking out. She had no idea she would hear someone else in the isolated meadow near her house. Now she's confused. What the hell should she do next?

So please please please give it a read, all I'm asking is for a little bit of your time... You guys are amazing and the support I received for Summer Love & Never Let You Go was craaaazy, if I get even an ounce of that for Focus I promise I'll complete all books. But you guys please give Focus a read, I've really thought of a good plot and I'm confident with this.

Here's the link:

I love you

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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